Why Australia?

Australia is one of the world’s most desired migration destinations. Qualified professionals from across the world are flocking to Australia for its great quality of life and stable economic prospects.

Even during COVID-19 the country managed with one of the lowest number of cases and the economy started improving post lockdown.

Why Skilled Migration?

  • Australia targets half a million immigrants by 2024.
  • Inviting 195,000 migrants in 2024-2025.
  • 90% of applications processed in 8 -12 months.
  • Get free or affordable healthcare for yourself and your family.
  • Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence.
  • Great alternative to H1-B.
  • New rules from 2022, get additional points.

Instantly check if you qualify

You have a graduate degree

You have 3+ years of experience

You are under the age of 45

You're proficient in English

Australian PR is a life-changing document

  • Earn in dollars.
  • Healthcare & retirement benefits.
  • Live, work and study in any Australian state.
  • Sponsor your relatives to join you in Australia.
  • Australian passport allows you to travel to 184 countries.

Lead a rewarding life in Australia


Earn in Australian dollars.


Your kids study for free in Australian schools.


You can enjoy the best healthcare facilities in the world.


Australia is rated as one of the best countries in the world to retire. You can be assured of a retirement that you will enjoy.


You can sponsor your relatives to join you in Australia.


Live, work and study in any Australian state


Australian passport allows you to travel to 184 countries.


Best investment for your money. Better returns than gold, mutual funds, stocks or FD.


How much time will this process take?

Typically, it takes 6 to 8 months for you to receive your permit after submission. However, timelines may vary from case to case.

Should I apply later?

This is one of the best periods to launch your global ambitions. Leading countries are redesigning their immigration policies to attract fresh talent to their shores. Any delays will only push your application further behind others who have grabbed this opportunity. Act now to make the most of this time!

Why sign up with Y-Axis?

Trusted since 1999
We are the most trusted immigration consultant in the market operating since 1999. Every year, thousands of individuals choose our services because they don’t want to take a chance when it comes to their career. Immigration is complex and there is a lot of time, money and energy at stake.

Save time, gain value
All our services are designed to give you the greatest value for money. We help you make the right decision with our expert counseling, save time with microservices such as notarizing, and get more value with our combined services. Our support extends to post-landing support and beyond. You're in good hands.

Get a dedicated consultant
A life changing decision needs committed support. Our dedicated consultants will work with you every step of the way to help you realize your migrate overseas dream, transforming into a Global Indian in the process.

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