Posted on October 22 2014
Australia has issued strict warning to temporary 457 visa holders. Those who have been issued temporary work permits should stick to their designated work posts only.
A person found to be working in a different position under a different employer risks cancellation of visa. Along with the employee the employer too could face severe action by the DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).
If an employee working under temporary visa wants to change his/her place of work, the sponsor should submit a new nomination application. Only after proper approval from the concerned dept or DIBP can the temporary worker change his place of work.
Breaching of rules could lead to harsh punishments for the sponsor as well as the employee. It could result in forfeiting of visa, termination of employment, forfeiting the right to stay in Australia etc.
The employer/sponsor on his part will be barred from sponsoring skilled workers and shell out a substantial fine to the Government.
News Source: Australia
457 temporary visa
Australian skilled temporary visa
misuse of 457 visa
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