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Posted on December 31 2014

Indian-American Sells Wrist-Bands Worth $6.9 million in an Year in the US

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023

Indian-American Sells Wrist-BandsGlobal Indian: Business: Technology: Azim Makanojiya

Indians have ruled the news headlines throughout the year 2014.  And as we mark the end of this wonderful year and step in to 2015, we have a young Indian-American who made it to the news for running a technology company that sells customized wrist-bands across the United States.

Azim Makanojiya, born in Mumbai and raised in Houston, is the man behind that sells the highest number of wrist-bands in the US. The company did a business of $6.9 million in the first year itself.

Mr. Makanojiya got the idea of starting the business on his visit to a trade show in China where he saw Silicone bracelets and was amazed at the way the bracelets were customized.

After coming back to the US, he did his online and offline research, and found no site doing it, though the online search for such products was high. So Azim decided to get into the business.

NDTV quoted Azim Makanojiya saying, "The only reason that this could happen at a very fast pace, from my point of view, was because we had the drive."

The company ranked 31st in the Elite Inc 500. It's also one of the fastest growing technology companies in Houston.

"The interesting part of our company is that we are not a manufacturing company. We tell everyone that we make wristbands but the beauty of our company is we are a technology company. We don't have a single equipment that touches the product. If you order a product from us, we don't touch it," Mr. Makanojiya said.

Source: NDTV, PTI


Azim Makanojiya

Indian-American's wrist-band Company


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