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Posted on February 08 2023

How to apply for work visa for Finland

By  Editor
Updated March 31 2023

Why Finland work visa?

  • Finland is one of the top countries with many happy immigrants
  • As per the Finnish stats, 7500 Indians applied for a resident permit in the last 12 months
  • Finland comes among the world’s top 10 Innovative countries in the world
  • The average wage in Finland is 4,690 EUR/Month 
  • The average salaries can range between 1,190 EUR to 20,900 EUR
  • The average working hours in Finland is 37.5 hours a week 

Job opportunities in Finland

Finland has a high quality of life with excellent living standards, making it ideal for immigrants to settle and build a career there. Finland also maintains a job market across some of the top industries in the world. The manufacturing sector is one of the predominant fields, with primary exports that include vehicles, electric equipment, machinery, and more.

Finland is known as the IT and Software nucleus, with plenty of technological development and scope. As per the nominal GDP per capita, Finland is one of the top wealthiest countries in Europe. The country offers some outstanding work opportunities and student social benefits.

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a popular expat destination as it offers disparate options in terms of work, study in Finland, and career expansion. The migration rate of Finland is set to be at 2.520 per 1000 population for the year 2023, and it is planning to shelter 1050 refugees.

Some of the job roles that are in demand as per the skills shortage in Finland are:  

  • Accountant
  • Programmer
  • Nurses
  • Engineers
  • Business consultant
  • Auto mechanic
  • Teachers
  • Practitioners

*Want to work overseas? Y-Axis offers you the required guidance.

Benefits of working in Finland

Finland offers good employment benefits for foreign immigrants. The country has a low crime rate with a top-notch standard of living. Immigrants migrating to Finland have plenty of assured job benefits with additional advantages. Some of the advantages of working in Finland include the following –

  • Health insurance
  • Social insurance
  • Overtime work benefits
  • Flexible working hours
  • Leave entitlements (parental leave, educational leave, maternity/paternity leave, holiday leave)
  • Pension plans

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Finland- popular overseas career destination in Europe

Types of Finnish work visa

Finland offers different work visa types for expats with varying criteria of eligibility and qualification requirements. You would not require a work visa if you belong to any of the countries given below:

  • Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway. Sweden, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland)
  • EEA/ EU
  • Schengen Area
  • New Zealand, Australia, Japan, San Marino, Vatican, Republic of Andorra, and the US

The Finnish work visas offered by the country are –

  • EU Blue card
  • Business visa
  • Job-seeker visa
  • Entrepreneur
  • Start-up entrepreneur
  • Seasonal work
  • Specialist

Requirements for a Finnish work visa

  • A contract of employment
  • Valid passport
  • Passport-size photocopies
  • Air Ticket
  • Medical certificates
  • An educational degree
  • Criminal clearance certificate
  • A residence permit

Apply for a Finland Work visa

The procedure that is to be followed to apply for a Finnish work visa is given below –

Step 1: Find employment in Finland from a Finnish employer

Step 2: Apply for a work permit in Finland

Step 3: Apply for a resident permit online via the official website.

Step 4: Three months post filing for the application, visit a local mission in Finland.

Step 5: Submit original copies and any additional copies asked for.

Step 6: Wait for a response from the Immigration service (Migri) in Finland.

Step 7: If approved, the employee and the employer will receive a written notice stating the same.

*A resident permit will be sent to the candidate and will be valid for a year after which you can renew it.

How can Y-Axis help you to work in Finland?

Y-Axis is the right guide for your Finnish work journey. Our dedicated services include:  

  • Y-Axis has guided clients to work overseas.
  • You can easily manage your Immigration documents checklist.
  • Get top-notch assistance in application processing
  • Kick-start your Finnish journey with the all-inclusive Y-Axis job search services

*Looking to work overseas? Contact Y-Axis, the No.1 Work Overseas Consultant in the country.

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