Posted on June 22 2021
Commonly referred to as simply the PMSOL, Australia’s Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List currently identifies 41 occupations that supply the critical needs for supporting the recovery of the Australian economy from the COVID-19 pandemic.
On June 22, 2021, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke announced the inclusion of 22 occupations to the PMSOL. With the addition of 22 occupations, there are now 41 occupations on the PMSOL. The announcement came in the form of an official Media Release, Supporting Australia's COVID recovery through Skilled Migration. |
Visa applications with an occupation included on the PMSOL are to be given priority processing.
First announced in September 2020, the PMSOL for Australia is developed in collaboration with the National Skills Commission for ensuring that certain critical occupations are filled for – [1] continuing to create jobs in Australia, and [2] aiding the ongoing recovery of the country from the impact of coronavirus pandemic.
The addition of 22 occupations has come about as a result of various consultations and engagement by the Australian government with business leaders, prominent Australian employers, as well as industry bodies.
The other previous change in the PMSOL in 2021 has been the addition – on May 11, 2021 – of the occupation of Veterinarian to the list.
As per Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, “Government has received valuable feedback from Australian business stakeholders on critical skill vacancies, which has been considered together with data from the National Skills Commission, in order to develop today's update to the Priority Migration Skilled Migration List.” |
Which are the 22 occupations added to the PMSOL in June 2021?
The 22 new Australian occupations to find their place on the PMSOL from June 22, 2021 are –
Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations [ANZSCO] Code | Occupation |
ANZSCO 221111 | Accountant [General] |
ANZSCO 221113 | Accountant [Taxation] |
ANZSCO 221112 | Accountant [Management] |
ANZSCO 221213 | External Auditor |
ANZSCO 221214 | Internal Auditor |
ANZSCO 233311 | Electrical Engineer |
ANZSCO 233211 | Civil Engineer |
ANZSCO 233214 | Structural Engineer |
ANZSCO 233212 | Geotechnical Engineer |
ANZSCO 233215 | Transport Engineer |
ANZSCO 233611 | Mining Engineer |
ANZSCO 233612 | Petroleum Engineer |
ANZSCO 232212 | Surveyor |
ANZSCO 232213 | Cartographer |
ANZSCO 232214 | Other Spatial Scientist |
ANZSCO 234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
ANZSCO 251912 | Orthotist / Prosthetist |
ANZSCO 261211 | Multimedia Specialist |
ANZSCO 261311 | Analyst Programmer |
ANZSCO 261399 | Software and Applications Programmers |
ANZSCO 262112 | ICT Security Specialist |
ANZSCO 351311 | Chef |
A skill-based classification, the ANZCSO is used for classifying all occupations and jobs available in the labour markets in Australia and New Zealand.
The ANZSCO was developed jointly by the Department of Education and Training, Statistics New Zealand, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS].
Taken into consideration for Australia skilled visa programs with a requirement of assessing visa eligibility, the ANZSCO serves as a standard or benchmark by which the skills of the visa applicant – for undertaking a specified skilled occupation in Australia – are subjected to an assessment.
Australia’s Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List [PMSOL]
Given below is the updated and consolidated list of all occupations on the PMSOL. The list is as on June 22, 2021.
For quick reference, the PMSOL is given in the alphabetical order of occupations. June 22 additions have been highlighted [in blue] accordingly.
Serial No. | ANZSCO Code | Occupation |
1 | ANZSCO 221111 | Accountant [General] |
2 | ANZSCO 221112 | Accountant [Management] |
3 | ANZSCO 221113 | Accountant [Taxation] |
4 | ANZSCO 261311 | Analyst Programmer |
5 | ANZSCO 232213 | Cartographer |
6 | ANZSCO 351311 | Chef |
7 | ANZSCO 111111 | Chief Executive or Managing Director |
8 | ANZSCO 233211 | Civil Engineer |
9 | ANZSCO 133111 | Construction Project Manager |
10 | ANZSCO 261312 | Developer Programmer |
11 | ANZSCO 233311 | Electrical Engineer |
12 | ANZSCO 221213 | External Auditor |
13 | ANZSCO 262112 | ICT Security Specialist |
14 | ANZSCO 221214 | Internal Auditor |
15 | ANZSCO 253111 | General Practitioner |
16 | ANZSCO 233212 | Geotechnical Engineer |
17 | ANZSCO 312911 | Maintenance Planner |
18 | ANZSCO 233512 | Mechanical Engineer |
19 | ANZSCO 234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
20 | ANZSCO 253999 | Medical Practitioners nec |
21 | ANZSCO 254111 | Midwife |
22 | ANZSCO 233611 | Mining Engineer |
23 | ANZSCO 261211 | Multimedia Specialist |
24 | ANZSCO 251912 | Orthotist / Prosthetist |
25 | ANZSCO 232214 | Other Spatial Scientist |
26 | ANZSCO 233612 | Petroleum Engineer |
27 | ANZSCO 253411 | Psychiatrist |
28 | ANZSCO 254412 | Registered Nurse [Aged Care] |
29 | ANZSCO 254415 | Registered Nurse [Critical Care and Emergency] |
30 | ANZSCO 254418 | Registered Nurse [Medical] |
31 | ANZSCO 254422 | Registered Nurse [Mental Health] |
32 | ANZSCO 254499 | Registered Nurses nec |
33 | ANZSCO 254423 | Registered Nurse [Perioperative] |
34 | ANZSCO 253112 | Resident Medical Officer |
35 | ANZSCO 272511 | Social Worker |
36 | ANZSCO 261399 | Software and Applications Programmers |
37 | ANZSCO 261313 | Software Engineer |
38 | ANZSCO 233214 | Structural Engineer |
39 | ANZSCO 232212 | Surveyor |
40 | ANZSCO 233215 | Transport Engineer |
41 | ANZSCO 234711 | Veterinarian |
While the existing skilled migration occupations lists for Australia will remain active and visas will still be processed, visa applications with PMSOL occupations are to be prioritized.
Australia immigration is expected to see a boom in post COVID-19 period.
According to Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, “The Morrison Government will continue to support Australian businesses, including through skilled migration, as the engine room of our nation's economy."
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