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Posted on September 06 2022

Australia allows international students to work 2 additional years

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023

Australia allows international students to work 2 additional years

Highlights: 2 years extension of work permit for international students in Australia

  • Australia plans to keep International Students after graduating in the country and they can straight away work for the skills that are in shortage. Hence the Australian government eased the work policies after completing graduation.
  • Based on the new rules, the bachelor’s degree holder can now work for four years after graduating, which was just two years before.
  • The master's degree holder can work for around five years after graduating, which was three previously.
  • D. students' work duration is increased to six years from four years, which is applicable after graduation.
  • Nursing, Engineering, and IT students are given first priority for the new rule, and more degrees will be announced in October month.
  • With these new norms, international students might get a chance to apply for Australian PR.

*Do you want to study in Australia? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no.1 overseas career immigration consultant

New rules for International students to stay longer in Australia

To attract more foreign students, the Australian government has proposed new rules to extend the time they work in Australia after finishing their graduation and also to aid them to get a secured graduate role.

*Check your eligibility to migrate to Australia through Y-Axis Australia Immigration Points Calculator

The government is trying to showcase the talent that is brought and the pieces of training that the system provides to employers in Australia. Hence the

New rules have been proposed at the two-day jobs and Skills summit. They are:

  • The graduates with bachelors can now work for four years, which is increased from two.
  • The graduates with Masters will be able to work for five years from now onwards, which is up from three.
  • The Ph.D. candidates can now work for six years, which has been increased from four.

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New policies and degrees

The degrees that will be given priority will get announced in October and the list includes engineering, IT, and Nursing. Government considers that graduates can directly replace the shortage that is there in highly skilled workers.

The current extension rule applies to this financial year and is expected to extend for the next coming years.

Many international students supported the extension and said that the ones who graduate here find difficulties to get Australian PR after graduating and this new policy might support them to gain PR.

*Do you want to work in Australia as skilled migration? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no.1 overseas immigration consultant.

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Step by Step Guide to Australia PR Visa in 2022

Australian skilled migration and international students

The Federal government has already taken a forward step to maximize Australia’s permanent skilled migration program target by welcoming 195,000 skilled workers to Australia. Initially, it was 35000 only to invite nurses and technology workers who directly meet the skills that are in shortage.

As international students study in the Australian education system and bring a lot of money to Australia, they can contribute a lot to the economy, which helps with the skills that are in shortage.

Statistics based on Higher Education Summit

Jason Clare, the Federal Education Minister says “Around 16% of international students stay back to work after their studies in Australia, whereas this number is 27% for Canada”

International students were always seen as temporary by employers, and it was difficult for them to get a job after.

National President of the Council of International Students Australia, Oscar Zi Shao Ong

“The extensions for allowing graduates to work in Australia for longer will surely provide certainty to the foreign students while finishing their studies and can help them in finding work.

Fundamental misconceptions

There are fundamental misconceptions about international students working. Many of the onshore foreign students assisted Australia during the COVID period by working in Aged Care homes, Cafes, and volunteer organizations.

Due to misconceptions about their rights to work and most of them were not staying in Australia for more than two long years.

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Relaxation in working number of hours

The government is looking for an extension on the number of hours that the international students work and training visa holders can also work till June 30, 2023, with the stakeholders.

Mr. Zi Shao Ong says considers working on the extension of the number of working hours will not exploit illegal working conditions.

There are steps planned to take for international students who could be allowed to work in their relevant industries to earn and support their education. Hence there is much need to work on the rights of international students working after graduation, rather than reverting back to the old rules after June 30, 2023.

  • Employers are also encouraged to recruit international students instead of getting nervous to train them.
  • Employers must come up with new work integrated, learning packages and internships for the international students.
  • Providing Australian PR after graduation based on experience and various requirements is also one of the reforms the government is thinking on.
  • Around 400,000 students come to Australia for studies, only 80,000 stay back and 16,000 go forward for Australian PR.

*Do you want to migrate to Australia? Speak to Y-Axis, the World’s no.1 immigration overseas consultant.

Web Story: International Students can now work 2 more years after graduating in Australia



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