Mallu Shirisha Reddy

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Posted on June 18 2021

Australia: Temporary visa holders, international students eligible for free COVID-19 vaccine

By  Editor
Updated January 11 2024

As per the Department of Health of the Australian Government, “COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia, even if you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

This includes individuals that are in Australia for study abroad as international students, as well as other temporary visa holders such as overseas visitors and migrant workers.

Australia immigration is expected to see a post-pandemic boom.

One of the best health systems globally, Australia’s health system provides safe and affordable health care for all Australians. The Australian health system is jointly run by all the different levels of the government of Australia, that is – federal, state and territorial, as well as at the local level.

Who is eligible for vaccination in Australia?
The Australian government intends everyone in Australia to have access to a “safe, free, COVID-19 vaccine”, should they choose to be vaccinated. While Australia is prioritizing the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 for individual below 50 years old, the AstraZeneca vaccine is being prioritized by Australia for those 50 years and above. COVID-19 vaccines in Australia are available at a number of locations, such as – Commonwealth Vaccination Clinics, state-run vaccination clinics, pharmacies in certain states and territories etc. COVID-19 vaccination approved in Australia is to be administered in 2 separate doses.




Source: Department of Health, Australian Government

According to the International Student Data of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment of the Australian Government, there were 512,855 international students in March 2021.

There were a total of 551,763 international enrolments in March 2021.

By an ‘enrolment’ is implied as to what study courses are the international students to study in Australia in “the Higher Education, VET, Schools, English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) and Non-award sectors.”

Enrolments are more as compared to the number of students since an international student can study in more than 1 course in one calendar year.

In view of the COVID-19 related travel restrictions being in place, an enrolment, as of now, is not a confirmation of that student being currently in Australia.

India is at #2 among the Top 5 countries in the world that send the greatest number of international students to Australia. With 29%, China leads the list. India comes in at the second place with 17% of the total number of overseas students in the Land Down Under.

If you are looking to Migrate, Study, Invest, Visit, or Work Overseas, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No. 1 Immigration & Visa Company.

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