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Posted on October 28 2022

Australia to issue more parent and skilled visas with increased budgets

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023

Australia to issue more parent and skilled visas with increased budgets

Highlights about Australia to issue more parent and skilled visas

  • Australian government announces doubling the parent and skilled visa allocations by increasing budgets.
  • Approximately $36.1 million is invested to increase the staff so that they can reduce the processing times of the visas.
  • The total number of skilled and family visas are increased from 160,000 to 195,000.
  • Out of the total skilled visas are increased from 79,000 to 142,200 and parent visas are increased from 4,500 to 8,500 allocations.
  • The immigration programs are in expansion, to bring in millions to add to their tax revenues.

New changes in Australian immigration

Anthony Albanese, the Prime Minister of Australia announced an extra budget in its federal budget for increasing the allocations of skilled and parent visas. An amount of $576 million is allocated to the immigration department for visa processing and also processing centers that are offshore and support refugees. Out of the total investment, $36.1 million will be invested to recruit more staff to lessen the visa processing wait times. *Check your eligibility to migrate to Australia through Y-Axis Australia Immigration Points Calculator Read more… Australia to step up visa processing of skilled workers Australia is planning to increase immigration cap to invite skilled workers

How many points are required for Australia PR in 2022?

The following table shows the old and new number of allocations for each type of visa:
Visa Stream Visa category 2021-22 Earlier allocation 2022-23
Revised allocation 2022-23
Employer Sponsored 22,000 30,000 35,000
Skilled Independent 6,500 16,652 32,100
Regional 11,200 25,000 34,000
State/Territory Nominated 11,200 20,000 31,000
Business Innovation & Investment 13,500 9,500 5,000
Global Talent (Independent) 15,000 8,448 5,000
Distinguished Talent 200 300 300
Skill total 79,600 1,09,900 1,42,400
Partner* 72,300 40,500 40,500
Parent 4,500 6,000 8,500
Child* 3,000 3,000 3,000
Other Family 500 500 500
Family Total 80,300 50,000 52,500
Special Eligibility 100 100 100
Total 1,60,000 1,60,000 1,95,000
  For every next year, around 3,000 places will be available for a permanent program. *Do you want to work in Australia? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no.1 overseas immigration consultant. Also read… Australia plans to increase pay of temporary skilled migrants in 2022 Australia jobs and skill summit to make immigration easier Step by Step Guide to Australia PR Visa in 2022

Doubling of parent visas

The number of Parent visa allocations in 2021-22 was 4,500 and for the current FY year, the number is converted to 8,500. The partner and child visas will stay demand driven by having no limit as of now. The other family visas remain at 500 and special eligibility visas will remain at 100. Currently, skilled visas are given more priority, and also New Zealanders who lived in Australia for many years get priority The table below displays the type of skilled visas that are available for the current FY year 2022-23
Skilled visas available for 2022-2023
Employer Sponsored 35,000
Skilled Independent 32,100
Regional 34,000
State and Territory nominated 31,000
Business innovation and investment 5,000
Global talent 5,000
Distinguished talent 300

Effects on Australian Tax revenue

The new changes or the expansion in the immigration program brings an amount of $935 million in tax revenue to Australia in the next four years. The estimated cost of providing extra services like language programs or school places is $487 million. Australian government presumes that the changes in immigration and getting more immigrants from foreign countries will make Australia bigger and the economy or the budget does not get affected. *Do you want to migrate to Australia? Speak to Y-Axis, the World’s no.1 immigration overseas consultant. Found this article interesting? Read more… Western Australia Invitation Round: 4526 candidates were invited


Australia Skilled and Parent visas

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