Posted on October 29 2014
Australia has amended its character checks for better verification
Scott Morrison, Australia’s Immigration Minister has introduced a new bill in the Parliament which is aimed at strengthening the character test system. Australia has not changed this test system since 1999. The changes if approved will give more ammo to the Govt to cancel or refuse visas on grounds of character.
A person suspected of having a criminal background or suspected to have been involved in criminal activities would be reason enough for Australia to deny visa. Criminal activities listed include:
War crimes
Trafficking of People
Genocide and
Other serious crime of international concern
These rules are stringent enough and would mean that mere suspicion could lead to refusal of visa. The Bill also makes it mandatory that State Govts should pass on any information related to the applicant that could reflect on character assessment.
The Australian Govt feels that these changes were necessary as immigration in the country has changed drastically since 1999 and the volume of temporary visa holders has grown much higher than seen in the 90’s. Australia now has majority of the temporary migrants coming into the country under the subclass 457 work visa. The country has also seen a drastic increase in visitor and working holiday visas since 1990.
News Source: Work permit
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Ammendments to Australian character test
Australian temporary work visa
police verification
Stringent visa checks
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