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Posted on July 11 2019

Canada Express Entry – Get an ITA even without a job offer

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023
Canada Express Entry – Get an ITA even without a job offer

Canada is a popular destination for migrants. In stark contrast to its neighbouring U.S., Canada has friendly immigration laws in place.

Since 2015, Canada has an online points-based system for granting the Permanent Residency status to those found eligible. Referred to as Express Entry, this system evaluates eligibility on the basis of certain criteria. Points are awarded on factors of age, education, qualification, skills in the English language, and if the spouse is willing to travel alongside the applicant.

All those applicants that secure 67 out of a total 100 are considered to be eligible for Express Entry. Eligible profiles are then placed together in the Express Entry pool.

As per the Express Entry year-end Report 2018, as on January 3, 2019, the Express Entry pool contained 94,977 profiles.

CRS score distribution of profiles in the Express Entry pool on January 3, 2019, by gender:

CRS Score Range Men Women Unspecified Total 
>1000 15 20 35 
950 - 999 40 45 85 
900 - 949 47 36 83 
850 - 899 13 20 
800 - 849 
750 - 799 10 
700 - 749 
650 - 699 
600 - 649 
550 - 599 
500 - 549 63 38 101 
450 - 499 974 709 1,684 
400 - 449 17,934 13,240 31,181 
440 - 449 434 341 775 
430 - 439 5,700 4,066 9,769 
420 - 429 3,562 2,751 6,314 
410 - 419 3,923 2,932 6,857 
400 - 409 4,315 3,150 7,466 
350 - 399 21,524 16,046 37,574 
390 - 399 4,089 3,115 7,204 
380 - 389 4,224 3,237 7,461 
370 - 379 4,761 3,441 8,203 
360 - 369 4,243 3,213 7,457 
350 - 359 4,207 3,040 7,249 
300 - 349 12,942 8,166 21,110 
340 - 349 3,844 2,717 6,562 
330 - 339 3,342 2,093 5,436 
320 - 329 2,607 1,624 4,231 
310 - 319 1,878 1,058 2,936 
300 - 309 1,271 674 1,945 
250 - 299 1,493 809 2,302 
200 - 249 397 99 496 
150 - 199 157 33 190 
100 - 149 47 16 63 
<100 17 18 
Total 55,690 39,273 14 94,977 

Once a part of the Express Entry pool, the candidate profiles are ranked based on certain criteria and awarded the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

While the total stands at 1200, the CRS cut-off is not constant. Profiles that get the requisite CRS score are then sent an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

A job offer from a Canada-based employer might give you the necessary confidence. But, it is not a pre-condition for getting an ITA.

According to the Express Entry year-end report 2018, only some profiles in the Express Entry pool had valid job offers. Out of the total 89,800 who received an ITA, only 9,308 had a job offer.

Despite not having a job offer, many received an ITA. How? You might ask.

This is where we must understand the working of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).

Canada uses the NOC for the purpose of classification of occupations or jobs, based on work that a person does, and job duties.

The main job groups as per the NOC are –

  • Skill Type 0 for management-related jobs
  • Skill Level A for professional jobs requiring a university degree
  • Skill Level B for skilled trades and technical jobs that need training or a college diploma
  • Skill Level C for intermediate jobs needing job-specific training or high school
  • Skill Level D for labour jobs

The NOC assigns a 4-digit unique code to each of the occupations. For example, while software engineers have NOC Code 2173, University professors and lecturers have been assigned NOC Code 4011.

As per the Express Entry year-end Report 2018, the top occupations that received ITAs were related to business and financial services, as well as information technology.

Among men, software engineers and designers made up 9% of the 52,472 that got an ITA. In women, ITAs issued to NOC Code 2173 were 4% of the total 37,322. 

Invitations issued in 2018 by occupation, women:

Occupation  Number  % 
1241 Administrative assistants  1,734 5% 
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants  1,592 4% 
2173 Software engineers and designers  1,552 4% 
1123 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations  1,243 3% 
1111 Financial auditors and accountants  1,225 3% 
1221 Administrative officers  952 3% 
4011 University professors and lecturers  944 3% 
0124 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers  873 2% 
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers  870 2% 
1122 Professional occupations in business management consulting  783 2% 
Other  25,554 68% 
Total  37,322 100% 

Invitations issued in 2018 by occupation, men:

Occupation  Number  % 
2173 Software engineers and designers  4,574 9% 
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants  3,837 7% 
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers  2,580 5% 
1111 Financial auditors and accountants  1,258 2% 
1112 Financial and investment analysts  1,190 2% 
2132 Mechanical engineers  1,167 2% 
1122 Professional occupations in business management consulting  1,132 2% 
0213 Computer and information systems managers  1,077 2% 
4011 University professors and lecturers  998 2% 
2133 Electrical and electronics engineers  925 2% 
Other  33,734 64% 
Total  52,472 100% 

Do keep in mind that a job offer gets you 50 CRS points. Nevertheless, you do not have to give up on hopes for an ITA if you do not have a job offer.

Simply being in the Express Entry pool gets you added on to the Canada Job Bank. Even if you don’t have a job offer as of now, you might get one in the near future. Or, you might just get lucky and get an ITA minus the job offer! Fingers crossed!

Y-Axis offers a wide range of Visa and Immigration products as well as services for aspiring overseas students including Study Visa for Canada, Work Visa for Canada, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry Full Service, and Education Credential Assessment. We work with Regulated Immigration Consultants in Canada.

If you are looking to Study, Work in Canada, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Canada, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company.

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