Mallu Shirisha Reddy

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Posted on September 12 2017

Canada Northwest Territories Nominee Program has diverse categories for immigrants

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023
Canada Northwest Territories

Canada Northwest Territories Nominee Program has diverse categories for immigrants designed to facilitate employers to hire the workers required for their business. Firms that cannot locate local candidates in the province or Canada for the job vacancies can hire overseas skilled workers for these jobs.

Canada Northwest Territories Nominee Program categories:

Express entry aligned

This category of the NWTNP is aligned with the national Express entry program. Immigrants who intend to apply must be a skilled worker in the Express entry pool. They must also possess a job offer in the province and intend to live and work here, as quoted by the Canadim.

Driven by Employer

Crucial Impact Worker:

Applicants must possess a valid job offer from an employer in the Northwest Territories province in a partiality-skill or unskilled occupation. They must also have worked in the position for at least six months in the province.

Skillful worker

Immigrant applicants who possess a valid job offer for a skilled position in the Northwest Territories province from an employer in the province are eligible for this category of Canada Northwest Territories Nominee Program.

Driven by Business


Owner-operator of businesses or Entrepreneurs who intend to start a business in the Northwest Territories province is eligible for this category of Northwest Territories Nominee Program. Business from all sectors of the economy can apply. However, priority will be given to those businesses that launch a product benefiting the province or launch a new product.


Self-employed professionals are eligible to apply for this program. They must intend to launch business outlets or professional services that are in demand in the Northwest Territories province. This program is closed as of now.

If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Canada, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.



Northwest Territories Nominee Program


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