Posted on January 05 2017
The ground rules for several scientific discoveries that further widened the scope of modern science were revealed in Denmark. One of the renowned scientists of Denmark, N.H. David Bohr made an immense contribution to the basic understanding of the structure of the atom and the quantum theory which made him receive the Physics Nobel Prize in 1922.
The current day science has received commendable contributions from the scientists in Denmark in the areas such as biotechnology, IT, and design, clean technologies, and renewable energy.
The resourcefulness of Denmark in the field of science and technology include some of the languages in programming such as PHP, C#, and C++; and Skype. Other instances that would demonstrate the innovative nature of Denmark’s students of science and technology would be Google Maps, data encryption methods, Modern wind power technology, and diabetes care.
The Higher Education and Science Minster of Denmark Soren Pind in his recent visit to India has said that his nation is looking forward to promoting a strong partnership with India. The researchers in India should take advantage of the state of the art research ambiance in Denmark.
Denmark is the second most innovative nation in Europe and its government is very liberal for allocating funds to the field of development and research.
More than 500 programs are offered by the universities in Denmark that have English as the language of instruction and are globally accredited and recognized.
The University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University are some of the top choices for pursuing higher education in Denmark and they are in the top 100 Global University rankings.
In the stream of management and social science, Copenhagen Business School is one among the top 100 universities and the Technical University of Denmark has the same standing in the stream of technology and engineering.
Overseas students who immigrate to Denmark will find that the nation has a brilliant support system that permits them to work for even up to 15 hours every week and get into full-time jobs during the period of June to August. Upon completion of the studies, the residence permit has an extended validity of six months which will allow you to search a job in Denmark.
Denmark is the top ranking nation when it comes to work-life balance. It has a higher than the standard time used up on personal care and relaxation and also the least child poverty ratio in the list of developed nations.
The promotion of non-polluting modes of transport and a flourishing culture of energy protection enhance the charm of Denmark.
The culture of accepting innovation in all its forms and the aspect of design make Denmark a country with abundant creative energy and a preferred place for learning and innovation.
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