Posted on January 20 2017
Ever since the Express entry scheme was introduced two years ago, it has been increasing the number of applicants that it invites to migrate to Canada. In the recent draw that was held on January 11, the number of applicants who received the invitation to apply crossed the 3000 mark for the first time and totally 3,334 applications were processed and given the invitation. The applicants in this round had secured a minimum of 495 points in the comprehensive ranking system which was again the lowest score for the past one year.
The applicants who have received the invitation to apply now have three months time to furnish their comprehensive application inclusive of supporting credentials to the Immigration, Refugees, and aging Citizenship Canada. The timeline in which IRCC intends to process these applications is six months. After the application is approved, not only the applicant but even his family members become eligible to immigrate to Canada as fresh permanent residents.
The draw held on January 11 is the second one to be held in the year 2017 that has aroused huge anticipation for immigration through the express entry scheme. The officials of the IRCC have revealed that there is going to be an increase in the number of candidates who will be invited to apply through the express entry scheme, as quoted by the CIC News.
This was required in order to meet the target levels that the government of Canada has set to be achieved for the year 2017. If the numbers in the early half of January are any indication, it appears that the government is keen on fulfilling its promises on liberalizing immigration.
Additionally, the IRCC has declared that it intends to receive increased number of immigrants depending on factors such as experience, skills, and human capital. The clearest signals that emerged for this were the modifications to the comprehensive ranking system made effective two months earlier.
The significant changes that were introduced to the express entry scheme included reduction of points that were awarded for fulfilling the eligibility requirement of a job offer to 50 or 200 from 600 depending on the offered position. Setting a new trend IRCC also started awarding points to graduate applicants who completed their post-secondary education in Canada.
The most recent trends in the express entry scheme indicate that the draws are steadily increasing in size over past few months. The only exception to this trend was the draw held on November 30, 2016, that witnessed invitation to apply being extended to only those candidates who possessed a certificate of provincial nomination.
In the draws that were held mere five months earlier, the invitation to apply were in the range of 750 to 800. The draws that are held in the recent months are issuing invitations to apply more than four times than that were held five months earlier. Gradually over the past few months, the qualifying points under the comprehensive ranking system have also decreased.
It has been planned by the government of Canada to welcome more than 51,000 fresh immigrants through the Provincial nominee programs in 2017. It is a seven increase of seven percent when compared to the previous year’s target.
The provincial nominee programs under the express entry schemes are evolving and opening over a period of time which mandates that the applicants keep themselves updated on these immigration schemes. They must be well prepared to furnish their applications at the shortest notice of time.
David Cohen, the Attorney shared his views on the trends in immigration to Canada by saying that the enhanced prospects for immigration to Canada in 2017 are a reflection of its desire to accept more and more immigrants in the future. The chief accelerator of Canadian economic immigration will be the express entry scheme, he added.
Cohen further elaborated the scenario for immigration by stating that the labor market needs and aging population in Canada imply that the citizens recognize the necessity of a liberalized visa regime. Canada has broadly been successful in accommodating people from all across the globe and creating diverse flourishing societies.
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