Posted on November 21 2019
Australia has always been a top destination for students who desire to study overseas. This will explain the surge in international student enrolments in Australian universities this year. According to the data released by the Australian Government’s Department of Education and Training (DET), the number of International Students went to an all-time high of 607,300 in February this year. The numbers were around 250,000 more than the student inflows in 2014.
The increase in student intake indicates that the Universities will be overrun with students especially the four most popular universities- ANU, University of Sydney, University of NSW, and Monash University.
The dominant choice of study for international students were higher education fields, followed by VET (Vocational Education and Training), and then ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students).
The data released in February by the Australian Government’s DET shows that compared to 2018, the number of enrolments increased by 9% in the higher education sector, a 16% increase in VET and a 1% increase in ELICOS courses.
China topped the list of countries sending the greatest number of international students to the country. India ranked second in the share of international students in Australia. More than 30% of international students, this year were from China. Out of the total number of 720149 international students between January and September this year, 203, 295 students were from China. There were 109,735 students from India during the same period.
The greatest source of inbound international students to Australian Universities has been China. Till June 2019, 52,665 Chinese students were given visa to study in Australia. India came a close second with 42,531 students being granted visa during this period. These numbers include both onshore and offshore enrolment of students.
The dominance of Chinese students in Australian universities has been a subject of debate in recent times in spite of the fact that their enrolment generates significant revenue for Australian universities.
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