Posted on October 18 2017
INZ has warned students from International College of Auckland that they will not be issued new visas if they failed over the requirements for good character. Immigration New Zealand cautioned this over reports of misleading or false information in the receipts.
International College of Auckland on Queen Street showed in its receipt that students paid more as tuition fees than the actual payments. For instance, for payment of 4000 dollars, the receipt from the college showed as 6000 dollars, as quoted by the Radionz Co NZ. The college later asked students to sign up and collected remaining payment of fees as installments.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority that unearthed this said that it is a grave breach of INZ requirements. Immigration New Zealand said that it would withhold new visas of students found guilty of giving false information. Immigration fraud is a serious offense and quick assessment of all applications will be held, added INZ. Further details will be revealed upon completion of the investigation, said the statement of the INZ.
International College of Auckland with the strength of 600 plus students is already in the lurch with New Zealand Qualifications Authority. It has now opted to close down 4 of its business courses. 80 students registered in these courses will have to freshly begin their course at Aspire 2, another separate college. INZ did not reveal regarding the statistics of students who were held up in the recent investigation.
Earlier INZ faced criticism from student associations for hastily targeting students regarding false visa documents. It had deported students in these instances. Meanwhile, there was no action against the private institutions or the Marketing managers who were involved in the case.
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