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Posted on February 19 2024

Ireland citizenship most in-demand by non-EU residents

By  Editor
Updated September 04 2024

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Ireland citizenship ranks as top choice for non-EU residents

  • Non-EU citizens chose Irish citizenship as their top pick when asked about their preferences regarding EU citizenship.
  • Participants responded that Irish citizenship has many advantages compared to other countries in the EU.
  • Irish passport holders can live and work in the UK without a residence or work permit. 

  • Third-country nationals ranked Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands as the next top choices for citizenship.


*Looking to apply for a Schengen visa? Let Y-Axis assist you with the steps. 


Ireland citizenship most sought after by non-EU residents

Third-country foreign nationals shared their choices regarding EU citizenship, and most of them stated that they would prefer Ireland’s passport if given the chance to choose any citizenship in the EU.


When asked about the EU citizenship choices, respondents stated that choosing Ireland’s passport is a strong pick, has many advantages, and that it would automatically permit them to live and work in the UK too.


As per the Common Travel Area arrangement, Irish citizens are authorized to live, utilize public services and work in the UK without needing a residence or work permit.


*Want to work in Ireland? Y-Axis is here to help you.


Germany, Dutch, and Belgian passports rank top

Third-country nationals are also said to prefer Germany as it allows dual citizenship for migrants. Most participants preferred German citizenship, highlighting the employment opportunities offered in the country, particularly for skilled and highly skilled workers. 


The preferences for Belgian and Dutch citizenship were also in demand. Respondents stated that they would choose to become citizens of Belgium as the country offers ample job opportunities in their fields of work and boasts one of the greatest healthcare systems in the EU.


Regarding Dutch citizenship, participants indicated that they would pick the nation's passport as the Netherlands is renowned for its educational system and many other things.


Rankings of Germany, Dutch, Ireland, and Belgian passports



Number of countries that can be travelled to visa free



Holders can travel visa free to 106 countries

Dutch (Netherlands)


Holders can travel visa free to 108 countries

Belgian (Belgium)


Holders can travel visa free to 106 countries



Holders can travel visa free to 111 countries


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For more updates on Schengen news, follow the Y-Axis Schengen news page!

Web Story:  Ireland Citizenship Most in-demand by non-EU residents


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