Posted on November 26 2014
New Zealand has recorded growth in migration for the third consecutive month in October. The year ended on October 31st, brought a moment to rejoice for the New Zealand Immigration Department. The migrant arrivals rose 16% and departures fell 20%. Migration to Australia also fell to a new low and New Zealand recorded smallest loss in last two decades.
The net gain is of 47, 684 migrants, which is a record high when compared with the statistics of the last few years. Australia contributed the highest number of arrivals in the country (thought most of them are New Zealanders returning home), closely followed by UK and then India. Migration from India rose by 64% accounting to 10,722 migrants alone.
Migration is likely to increase further and add 50,000 to the work force in the coming years.
Source: The New Zealand Herald
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Indians in New Zealand
Migrate to New Zealand
Migration Soars in New Zealand
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