Posted on September 05 2017
Statistics New Zealand has said that the international immigration that utilizes measures based on outcomes via the ’12 by 16-month rule’ has now been updated. It has launched a new measure of international immigration that certifies an immigrant status of an individual after examining their travel history for a follow-up period of 16 months. Statistics New Zealand has also come up with a series of historical data with the help of this new initiative.
The new measure for assessing international immigration has extended the time series. It also advances the planned routine updating of fresh time series, as quoted by the Scoop Co NZ. The new method also gives an analysis of the method to evaluate the immigration outcomes versus intentions of people when they swap borders.
Senior Manager of population statistics Peter Dolan said that the removal of departure cards will be done soon. By developing the ’12 by 16-month rule’ we will ensure that immigration can be measured even without the traveler cards, explained Peter Dolan. He also said that in the upcoming days ’12 by 16-month rule’ could become the crucial factor in determining the statistics of international immigration to New Zealand.
The historical data compiled based on Integrated Data Infrastructure of Statistics New Zealand first released in May covers the period 2001 - 2014. The freshly released update for the series uses international immigration and travel data that is timelier based on New Zealand Customs and covers the period 2015 January - 2016 March.
Senior Manager of population statistics also explained that while assessing both the measures statistics’ it was found that immigrant arrivals and departures were more when analyzed via the ’12 by 16-month rule’.
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