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Posted on March 18 2021

Ontario PNP: EOI system introduced for 5 OINP streams

By  Editor
Updated January 18 2024

Ontario is all set to introduce a points-based Expression of Interest [EOI] system for 5 ‘streams’ or immigration pathways that come under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program [OINP].

Filed on March 15, 2021, amending regulations – Ontario Regulation 422/17 [General] and Ontario Regulation 421/17 [Approvals under the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program and Other Matters] –made under the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 have introduced the EOI system.

The Regulations come into force the day that they are filed, that is, on March 15, 2021.

EOI system will be applicable to which OINP streams?


The Expression of Interest system introduced by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be applicable to 5 OINP streams:


1.      Employer Job Offer [category] – Foreign Worker stream

2.      Employer Job Offer [category] – International Student stream

3.      Employer Job Offer [category]– In-Demand Skills stream

4.      Human capital category – International Graduate stream – Masters Graduate stream

5.      Human capital category – International Graduate stream – PhD Graduate stream



The latest update by the OINP follows generally positive feedback received after stakeholder consultations and a September 8, 2020 posting [Proposal Number 20-MLTSD 010] on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry seeking public input.

As per sources, around 250 feedback submissions were received by the OINP between September 9 and October 23, 2020. Submissions came from individuals, professional associations, employers, industry associations, immigration organizations, prospective applicants, and immigration representatives.

Many of the respondents were of the opinion that the proposed OINP EOI system would be “fairer and more predictable”, in addition to being more user-friendly as compared to the previous intake process wherein a first-come-first-served approach was taken.

Earlier, Ontario PNP would open their web portal for accepting registrations from individuals that wished to immigrate to Ontario through any of these OINP streams.

Due to high demand, the registration windows would usually last some minutes before they would be full.

Moreover, technical issues used to be problematic for individuals dealing with slow internet connectivity.

EOI systems are used by many of the Provincial Nominee Programs [PNPs] run by other Canadian provinces. Typically, an EOI system involves the submission of a resume containing details such as the individual’s education, work experience etc.

Following successful registration, a provincial score is allotted to the individual. It is the highest-ranked candidates that are issued invitations to apply – for a PNP nomination for Canadian permanent residence – in the provincial draws held from time to time.

The addition of Section 3.1 – Certificate of nomination: expression of interest categories lays down the process to be followed in case of general or targeted invitations "to applicants in the foreign worker with a job offer category, international student with a job offer category, in-demand skills category, master’s graduate category and PhD graduate category”.


Firstly, an expression of interest will have to be registered by the applicant.


In case of general invitations in a particular category, applicants will be ranked and invitations issued to the highest-ranked.


For targeted invitations, on the other hand, only applicants with 1 or more labour market or human capital attributes satisfying the targets established for the category will be ranked. Invitations to apply will be issued only to the “highest ranking applicants in that category who have those attributes”.


Ranking of the EOI profiles will be done category-wise, awarding points to applicants based on the following –

  • Level of education and where they had completed their studies
  • Proficiency in English or French
  • Whether the individual intends settling outside the Greater Toronto Area [GTA]
  • Skill and work experience level, previous earnings, and any other factor relevant to their employment prospects in the provincial market
  • Immediate labour market requirements in the province or region of the province.


In case of OINP’s Express Entry categories, the candidates will be ranked “according to their Comprehensive Ranking System score assigned by the Government of Canada”.


Notifications of interest will be issued “to the highest ranking candidates in that category”.


With the introduction of the new EOI system, the OINP intends to – strategically manage intake, better respond to regional labour market requirements, and increase the OINP’s labour market responsiveness.



Northern Ontario needs 162,000 new immigrants


According to the OINP, the 5 streams that are to have an EOI system are “currently closed to new applicants. They will open for new applicants when the Expression of Interest system launches in the coming weeks.”

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