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Posted on February 10 2022

Ontario PNP Invites 828 Express Entry Candidates from HCP and FSSW Streams

By  Editor
Updated January 18 2024

Canada’s Ontario province holds another round of invitations, inviting 828 Express Entry candidates to apply.

On February 8, 2022, Ontario invited a total of 828 to apply for being nominated by Ontario for settlement in Canada as permanent residents. Ontario PNP is officially referred to as the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Three OINP streams are linked with the Express Entry system of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Express Entry linked OINP streams are – the Human Capital Priorities (HCP) stream, the French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream (FSSW), and the Skilled Trades (ST) stream.

 An Overview of the February 8 OINP round of invitations Total ITAs issued: 828
Draw Details Stream CRS score range Total invited
Draw 1 of 2 Targeted draw – Tech draw OINP Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities stream CRS 463 to CRS 467 622
Draw 2 of 2 General Draw OINP Express Entry: French-Speaking Skilled Worker stream CRS 463 to CRS 467 206

Note. CRS: Comprehensive Ranking System used for ranking profiles while in the IRCC pool. Being a targeted draw, HCP candidates invited in the February 8 OINP draw were those with their ranking score in the CRS 463 to CRS 467 range, along with work experience in any of the eligible National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes.

Ontario PNP February 8 HCP Tech draw – List of targeted occupations
NOC code Occupation
NOC 0213 Computer and information systems managers
NOC 2147 Computer engineers
NOC 2172 Database analysts and data administrators
NOC 2173 Software engineers and designers
NOC 2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers
NOC  2175 Web designers and developers


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What is the HCP stream of Ontario PNP?

An immigration stream under Ontario PNP, Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream gives foreign workers that have the required education, skilled work experience, and language abilities the opportunity to apply to live and work in Ontario as permanent residents. To be able to apply online under the OINP’s HCP stream, an individual must have – (1) a valid Express Entry profile, and (2) been issued a Notification of Interest (NOI) from Ontario. Those successful in securing a nomination can then apply to the federal government through IRCC. Permanent residence is granted by the federal government of Canada.

What is the French-Speaking Skilled Workers stream of Ontario?

Linked with the Express Entry system, the French-Speaking Skilled Workers stream gives French-speaking skilled workers – with strong English language abilities – the opportunity to apply to live and work in Ontario as permanent residents.

You can’t apply under any of the Express Entry linked OINP streams unless specifically invited.

What is Ontario PNP? Ontario is among the nine provinces and two territories part of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The PNP run by Ontario is officially referred to as the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program or Ontario PNP.

PNP is for workers that intend to take up permanent residence in Canada and settle within a specific territory or province. To be able to secure a nomination under Canadian PNP, the skilled foreign worker must have the skills, education as well as work experience to contribute to the economy of that province/territory. Each of the PNP pathways or ‘streams’ have their own requirements. Under a program stream, provinces and territories might target – international students, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers, or businesspeople.

A nomination under any of the PNP streams linked with the federal Express Entry system is referred to as an ‘enhanced’ nomination and follows a fully online process. Other PNP streams offer ‘base’ nominations in a paper-based application process. A nomination is worth CRS 600 points for an IRCC Express Entry candidate.

In 2022, Ontario PNP has invited a total of 2,362 to apply through the Express Entry linked OINP streams in the four OINP Express Entry Notifications of Interest invitation rounds held so far this year.

Northern Ontario needs 1,62,000 new immigrants

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