Posted on February 14 2017
Increase in the number of work visas that were issued has enabled New Zealand to achieve record net migration of 70, 600 in the year 2016.
In the year 2016 127, 300 immigrants arrived to New Zealand while 56, 700 people departing to reside overseas, as quoted by the Stuff.
The Statistics New Zealand has said that the increase in the work visas that were issued resulted in the net migration gain. There were 3800 more work visas approved, taking the total numbers to 41, 600.
The highest number of immigrants who availed the work visas was from the UK that sent 7000 immigrants on work visas. The next nation ranking second sending immigrants was France, followed by Germany and then Australia.
However, the increase in the work visas was harmonized by a parallel decrease in the immigrants who arrived with the student visas, especially from India as there was a decrease of 40% for the student visas.
In the previous year the immigration authorities deported a number of students who arrived to the nation with forged documents facilitated by agents in India.
The highest number of immigrants who arrived through the residence visas was from china followed by the UK and then Samoa.
Total immigrant arrivals also reached a new high of approximately 3.5 million for the year 2016 of whom more than 50% were tourists, said Jo-Anne Skinner, Population Statistics Manger.
More than three-fourths of the tourists stayed in New Zealand for less than two weeks. The residents of New Zealand also set a new yearly record of 2.6 million trips to overseas in 2016 which was an increase of 9% from the year 2015.
If you are planning to study in New Zealand with proper documentation and by following legal procedures as required by that country, contact Y-Axis, premier immigration company of India, to apply for a student visa from one of its several offices located all over the country.
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