Posted on January 05 2019
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will be launching a Schengen-like Silk Visa as a part of the efforts to launch a Single Visa regime for the Central Asia region. This will be offered in early part of this year.
The Silk Visa aims to remove barriers and enhance proximity among the people in the Central Asia region. It also aims to boost tourism and the economy in the region. The Visa will be launched officially in February this year.
It has been reported that Kazakhstan aims to bring Turkey and Azerbaijan also into the Silk Visa. This is in order to expand the area.
Tourism associated with the Great Silk Road has been booming in the past some years. Shavkat Mirziyoyev the Uzbek leader ordered the launch of 1-month Visa-free regime for nationals of 7 countries. These are Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, and Turkey. He also announced a relaxation of rules of registration for nationals of 39 other nations.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev the Uzbek leader has opened up the nation’s economy for other nations. The nation had discarded market reforms for last 30 years. This had resulted in mass unemployment and largely isolated.
The changes were cheered by the population of cities such as Samarkand. These had endured long periods of economic decline, as quoted by the Daily Sabah.
Additionally, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan eliminated the tough Visa regimes at the beginning of 2018. This further contributed to the single Visa system in the region.
Y-Axis offers a wide range of visa and immigration services as well as products to the aspiring overseas immigrants including Y-International Resume 0-5 yrs, Y-International Resume (Senior Level) 5+ yrs, Y Jobs, Y-Path, Resume Marketing Services One State and One Country.
If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Central Asia, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Consultant.
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