Posted on November 17 2014
Australia seeks skilled expatriate workers in its industries
Industry experts in Australia have announced that Australia is facing numerous shortages in skilled workers and industries are sending out numerous advertisements asking for skilled expatriates.
Industries such as engineering, mining, construction and healthcare are seeking skilled workers. In response to the need of these industries, the Australian Federal Govt., was implored to increase the migrating quota to 2,20,000 from 190,000 to cover the rising skill shortages.
The AI Group (The Australian Industry Group) that had carried out a survey reported that the construction sector was in dire need of skilled workers and the need was immediate to smoothen out the path for future growth.
A spokesperson of a noted relocation services has claimed, that there has never been a more encouraging time for those willing to work in Australia. With a Govt., that is supporting and encouraging the migration of skilled workers into its country, relocating to Australia no longer needs to be a pipe dream for workers and their families.
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Australia wanys skilled expatriate workers
Australian industries in need of expatriate workers
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