Posted on December 16 2019
The Ministry of Justice, South Korea, said that the country would introduce measures to protect foreigners working in the entertainment industry. The new measures will come into effect from 1st January 2020.
The Ministry said that the new rules would apply to foreign workers on the E6 Visa. The E6 Visa is a long-term Work Visa granted to workers in the culture and entertainment industries.
Korea will no longer allow proxy applications to stay Work Permit evaluations. The maximum stay period will also be reduced from one year to six months. Also, it will be mandatory for Entertainment Visa holders to purchase health insurance. South Korea will also introduce workplace site surveys.
The Ministry of Justice, in a press release, pointed out that foreign workers on E6 Visas are often exploited. These workers are vulnerable to forced prostitution, human trafficking, and other human rights violations.
The Ministry does not plan to abolish the visa completely as there are a large number of foreign workers working in the entertainment industry.
Govt. data revealed that around 1,400 businesses in South Korea employ E6 Visa holders. Approximately one-third of these foreign workers work in foreigner-only entertainment restaurants. The number is expected to be around 446. Around 434 foreign workers work in amusement and recreation facilities and the other one-third, around 411 work in tourist hotels.
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