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Posted on May 04 2022

Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada Seeing Pay Hikes

By  Editor
Updated December 19 2023

Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada Seeing Pay Hikes

Canada has been recruiting foreign workers in a large number on a temporary base since last year. There has been an increase in worker's payments. This inflation is a kind of bonus for the workers in Canada who are working under the Temporary Foreign worker program (TFWP).

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Wages for temporary foreign workers

The Federal government states that the wages for the foreign temporary workers who are working have to get the same salary as the wages that Canadian citizens and permanent resident employees of Canada working for the same job for the exact work location. Also, the experience and skills must be the same.

There are two streams under the Temporary foreign workers' program

  1. High compensation positions
  2. Low compensation positions

*If you want to apply for Canadian PR, talk to our overseas immigration expert for assistance

According to TFWP's new rule, the employers must pay competitive salaries to the temporary foreign workers along with the other Canadian citizens and PR employees through whichever stream of temporary foreign workers program they recruited the foreign nationals.

These wages are rising much faster than the boom.

Hourly wages now in Provinces and Territories

The hourly wages have been increasing rapidly in the Provinces and Territories. Following is the list of increased wages on an average.

Currently, Canada's inflation rate is 6.7 percent.

*Do you want work in Canada? Speak to Y-Axis overseas immigration career consultant for guidance

The increased hourly wages for territories are listed below as of April 30, 2022.

Canada Territories Old hourly wage in dollars New wages in dollars Increase in percentage
Territory of Nunavut 32 per hour 36 per hour 12.5 %
Territory of Nova Scotia 20 per hour 22 per hour 10 %
Yukon Territory 30 per hour 32 per hour 6.7 %

There is a significant change in hourly payments of foreign nationals even in the provinces. Following is the description of the hourly wages now and then from a few provinces.

Name of the Province Old wage per hour in Dollars New wage per hour in Dollars Increase in percentage
Ontario 24.04 26.06 8.4
New Brunswick 20.12 21.70 8.3
Prince Edward Island 20 21.63 8.15
Alberta 27.28 28.85 5.75
British Columbia 25 26.44 5.76
Northwest Territories 34.36 37.30 8.56
Francophone province of Quebec 23.08 25 8.3

For few Northwest Territories and a few Canadian provinces had seen a considerable increase in the wages.

*Do you have a dream to migrate to Canada? Talk to Y-Axis overseas migration consultant.

Canadian official statistics for large job opportunities

At the beginning of this year, 2022, the Canadian official statistics stated a high number of jobs popped up in February. The reason was that the Canadian government eased the pandemic restrictions. Since then, many opportunities have been increased that have opened up for Canadians and temporary foreign workers.

*For more updates on Canadian immigration and many more, click here…

Ontario and British Columbia provinces have seen a rise in the number of employed workers during February, for 0.8 percent, which made these two provinces stand out as big players. Quebec also has seen a growth in employing foreign workers of 0.9 percent in the same February.

In grabbing these high wages or increases in opportunities, the foreign nationals must apply for a temporary work permit using the two major programs.

The International Mobility Program (IMP): This program requires an employment offer for the temporary foreign worker under their employment portal. The IMP does not require a Labour Marker impact Assessment (LMIA) clean report.

The Temporary Foreign workers' program (TFWP) allows candidates to join with a Canadian employer who has submitted Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which was a clean report. That means the LMIA report confirms a need for a foreign worker temporarily, as there is a Canadian worker available at the moment to fill the specific job.

The TFWP is further divided into four main streams:

  • Low skilled workers
  • High skilled workers
  • Agriculture workers program (Seasonal)
  • Live-in Caregiver program.

Willing to Migrate to Canada? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no.1 overseas immigration consultant?

Also Read: How to apply for a work visa for Canada?



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Hikes in wages


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