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Posted on October 06 2020

Top 10 most-accepting countries for migrants

By  Editor
Updated January 18 2024

Canada is the most-accepting country for migrants in the world. Despite the recent changes in US immigration policies, the US remained among the most-accepting countries in the world for migrants in 2019.

A new global survey, Gallup's second administration of its Migrant Acceptance Index, revealed the findings recently. Gallup is a global analytics and advice firm.

Tracking the most important issues on a global scale, since the creation of the World Poll in 2005 Gallup has conducted studies in over 160 countries.

The survey for the Gallup World Poll includes over 100 questions, on international as well as region-specific items. Residents from the different parts of the world are asked the same questions every time and in the same way. This is how Gallup comes up with data trends, making direct country comparisons possible.

Gallup uses telephonic surveys in countries wherever telephone coverage is available. In other countries, face-to-face interviews are conducted in a random sampling of households.

A minimum of 1,000 individuals are included in a typical Gallup World Poll survey. In some larges countries – like Russia and China – a sample size is of at least 2,000.

145 countries were included in the latest survey. The index is based on 3 questions that are put to the respondents – whether they think migrants living within their country, becoming neighbours of and marrying into families of the natives are bad or good, according to them.

With a maximum possible score of 9.0 [all 3 things asked are good] and a minimum possible score of 0 [all 3 things asked are bad], the higher the score, the more accepting is the population of migrants.

Securing a total of 8.46, Canada made it to the top of the list in Gallup’s Migrant Acceptance Index 2019. In 2017, Canada was the 4th most-accepting country for migrants.

The US took the 6th spot with a score of 7.95 in the present survey. In 2017, the US stood at the 9th place on the list.

Top 10 most-accepting countries for migrants – A comparison between 2019 and 2017

Gallup World Poll 2019
Country Migrant Acceptance Index
Canada 8.46
Iceland 8.41
New Zealand 8.32
Australia 8.28
Sierra Leone 8.14
US 7.95
Burkina Faso* 7.93
Sweden 7.92
Chad* 7.91
Ireland* 7.88
*Not in the list in 2016-17.


Gallup World Poll 2016-17
Country Migrant Acceptance Index
Iceland 8.26
New Zealand 8.25
Rwanda 8.16
Canada 8.14
Sierra Leone 8.05
Mali 8.03
Australia 7.98
Sweden 7.92
US 7.86
Nigeria 7.76

 As per Gallup, with regard to Canada and the US, it was found that acceptance of migrants is “higher among those with the most education and among those living in urban areas”.

If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Canada, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company.

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