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Posted on December 06 2022

Canada Job trends of Civil Engineer, 2023-24

By  Editor
Updated February 21 2024

Why work in Canada as a Civil Engineer?

  • 1 million job vacancies in Canada in 23 sectors
  • 8% employment growth is expected till 2030
  • A Civil Engineer can earn up to CAD 86,500 per annum
  • 4 provinces have a high demand for Civil Engineers
  • For the next 9 years, Canada has a huge requirement for Civil Engineers
  • 12 pathways are available for civil engineers' immigration to Canada

About Canada

Canada updating its immigration targets based on the requirement of the workforce market. Canada has planned to invite many immigrants every year. According to the Canada 2023-2025 immigration plan, Canada aims to invite 1.5 million newcomers by 2025 as shown in the table below:

Year Immigration Levels Plan
2023 465,000 permanent residents
2024 485,000 permanent residents
2025 500,000 permanent residents


Job trends in Canada, 2023

Canadian businesses are facing difficulties in finding employees for vacant jobs. Approximately 40% of businesses in Canada have shortages in the workforce. Due to this, the scope of employment is more. Employment is increased in September 2022 for both full-time and part-time. The unemployment rate in Canada declined by 0.2% and has reached its highest of 5.7%. As there are no Canadian citizens or Permanent residents to fill in these unoccupied jobs, Canada’s only choice is to get immigrants for these jobs. Many provinces of Canada have been reporting increased job vacancies in the second quarter of 2022. The following table shows the percentage of increased job vacancies and the name of the province.


Canadian Province
Increase in percentage of job vacancies
Ontario 6.6
Nova Scotia 6
British Columbia 5.6
Manitoba 5.2
Alberta 4.4
Quebec 2.4


The average hourly wages for almost all sectors maximized by 5.3% by the second quarter of 2021.

Read more…

1 Million+ Jobs vacant for 150 days in Canada; Unemployment drops to record low in September


Civil Engineer, NOC Code (TEER code)

A civil engineer's job includes planning, designing, developing, and managing construction projects or repairing buildings, powerhouses, earth structures, roads, airports, railways, bridges, tunnels, dams, canals, ports, rapid transit facilities, and coastal installations & systems that are related to highway and transportation services, sanitation and water distribution. The civil engineer also specialized in foundation analysis, surveying, municipal planning, geomatics, and building and structural inspection. Civil engineers get employment in all levels of government, engineering consulting companies, construction firms, and many other industries, or even can be self-employed. The latest NOC 2021 code and TEER category for Civil engineers is 21300. The NOC 2016 code for a civil engineer is 2131 and its TEER category is 1.


Roles and responsibilities of Civil engineer

  • Must coordinate with members of an engineering team, and clients and manage clients to conduct research and determine and decide the project requirements.
  • Planning and designing major civil projects like roads, bridges, buildings, dams, structural steel fabrications, and water & waste management systems.
  • Have to develop specifications and procedures for construction. Filed services for civil services must be conducted actively.
  • Evaluate and suggest appropriate materials for building and construction.
  • Interpret, analyse and approve the surveys and civil designs work.
  • Must ensure construction plans that meet specifications and guidelines of the building codes and other regulations.
  • Set up and monitor construction-related work schedules.
  • Conduct feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, economic analyses, municipal and regional traffic studies, or other investigations.
  • Conduct analysis of survey technically and topographic developmental field data, soil, hydrological or other information, and prepare reports.
  • Must act as a project supervisor or the site supervisor for construction work or land survey.
  • Have to prepare contract-related documents, and review & assess the construction project for tenders.
  • Supervise, review and approve the cost estimations and calculations made by technologists, technicians, and other engineers.
Prevailing wages of Civil Engineers in Canada

Based on the latest trends and figures, civil engineers working in Calgary, Alberta earn higher wages than any civil engineer working in other provinces. The average hourly wages that a civil engineer get is 45.00 per hour. The next province that pays good wages to civil engineers is Saskatchewan (44.71 per hour) and then Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador pay an average wage of 43.49 per hour. Most of the provinces provide flexibility to work for civil engineers by paying high wages. The table mentioned below shows the average wages per annum along with the provinces or areas.


Province / Area
Average Wages per annum
Canada 79,104
Alberta 86,400
British Columbia 80,313.60
Manitoba 81,369.60
New Brunswick 71,884.80
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia 72,000
Ontario 75,225.60
Prince Edward Island
Quebec 83,500.80
Saskatchewan 85,843.20


Eligibility criteria for Civil Engineer

  • Graduation or a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or any related discipline in engineering is required.
  • Doctorate or a Master’s degree in a related engineering discipline.
  • Licensed by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is needed to get the approval of engineering drawings and reports to practice as a P.Eng. (Professional Engineer).
  • Engineers are considered eligible for registration that follows graduation from an accredited educational program after 3 or 4 years of supervised work experience in an engineering field and after passing a professional practice examination.
  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is offered by the CGBC (Canada Green Building Council) as some employers ask for it.
Location Job title Regulation Regulatory body
Alberta Civil Engineer Regulated
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta
British Columbia Civil Engineer Regulated
Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
Manitoba Civil Engineer Regulated
Engineers Geoscientists of Manitoba
New Brunswick Civil Engineer Regulated
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Civil Engineer Regulated
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Civil Engineer Regulated
Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists
Nova Scotia Civil Engineer Regulated
Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia
Nunavut Civil Engineer Regulated
Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists
Ontario Civil Engineer Regulated
Professional Engineers Ontario
Prince Edward Island
Civil Engineer Regulated
Association of Professional Engineers of Prince Edward Island
Québec Civil Engineer Regulated
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Saskatchewan Civil Engineer Regulated
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan
Yukon Civil Engineer Regulated
Engineers of Yukon
Civil Engineer - Number of vacancies in Canada

Across all the provinces and territories of Canada has 231 vacancies for Civil Engineers. The table mentioned below shows the list of vacancies in detail for the provinces and territories.

Location Available jobs
Alberta 17
British Columbia 42
Canada 231
Manitoba 2
New Brunswick 12
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia 11
Ontario 30
Québec 108
Saskatchewan 5


*Note: The number of job vacancies may differ. This is given as per the information on October 2022. Civil Engineers have various prospects based on their work. Following is the list of titles that come under this occupation.

  • Bridge Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Project Engineer, Construction
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Municipal Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Surveying Engineer
  • Geodetic Engineer
  • Highway Engineer
  • Hydraulics Engineer
  • Sanitation Engineer
  • Public Works Engineer
  • Traffic Engineer
  • Transportation Engineer
  • Water Management Engineer
  • Construction Engineer
  • Geomatics Engineer

The Civil Engineers' opportunities for the next 3 years in the provinces and the territories are listed in the following table.

Location Job prospects
Alberta Good
British Columbia Good
Manitoba Good
New Brunswick Good
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia Fair
Ontario Fair
Prince Edward Island
Quebec Good
Saskatchewan Good
Yukon Territory Good


How can a Civil Engineer migrate to Canada? A civil engineer is an in-demand occupation in Canada across most of the provinces. To migrate as a civil engineer in Canada, a foreign worker can apply through FSTP, IMP, GSS, and TFWP


They can migrate to Canada through:

Also read…

Start working in Canada within 2 weeks through GSS visa, from November 16, 2022

How Y-Axis can helps a Civil Engineer to immigrate to Canada?

Any individual who is willing to work as Civil Engineer in Canada requires a Canadian work permit. Canada provides Canadian PR or Canadian citizenship, that allows the immigrants to live, work and settle permanently in Canada provided they need to meet some mandated eligibility criteria.

*Check your eligibility to Canada through Y-Axis Canada immigration points calculator

Also read…

Great News! Canadian citizenship to 300,000 people in FY 2022-23


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