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Posted on June 17 2019

How to get out of an overseas career slump?

By  Editor
Updated March 15 2023
overseas career slump

Most of the overseas jobs begin as fresh with exciting opportunity and laden with overseas career prospects. For those who are lucky, they may also remain the same.

However, some of the employees begin to feel that they are stuck in an overseas career slump after a while. Here we present the top 4 methods to come out of this situation:

Take on new opportunities or projects:

Director of Robert Half Australia Nicole Gorton says that employees can become unenthusiastic with their jobs if they are doing similar work every day. She advises that pursuit of new challenges can be an effective remedy for coming out of common overseas career slump. It must include tasks that push you out of your everyday comfort zone, says Gorton.

Upgrade your skills:

Along with taking up fresh challenges, another way for coming out of an overseas career slump is to upgrade your skills.

Constant innovations are being made to the economy in Australia. Workers are thus required to constantly upgrade their skills to fit into the highly dynamic job market. This has also been highlighted by the report of the Government of Australia in 2018.

The report elaborates that the area of Digital Technology is constantly transforming and evolving. Workers in this sector are recommended to especially train themselves and upgrade their skills.

Connect with new people:

Perhaps, your overseas career slump has more to do with individuals around you and less regarding the actual work you do.

A study by LinkedIn in 2018 reveals that majority of the surveyed workers believed that having friends at work boosted their overall happiness. It offers you a support system through all your ups and downs at the workplace. They cheer you through your achievements and cheer you up on a stressful day, as quoted by the Upskilled Edu AU.

Pursue something else:

If nothing works out, it’s perhaps time to find a new overseas job. The cause of your career slump in extreme cases can be your whole career itself. Then it is time to find the mush required fulfilment in a career in a new field altogether. This can be required when your existing work life does not match with your professional or personal needs.

It is crucial to reflect on where your current role is headed before making the big jump. This is if you have the drive to continue to progress and if your efforts are adequately appreciated to stay.

Y-Axis offers a wide range of visa and immigration services as well as products to aspiring overseas immigrants including    Y-International Resume (Senior Level) 5+ yrs, Resume Marketing Services One State and One Country, Y Jobs Premium Membership, Y-Path – Y-Path for Licensed Professionals, Y-Path for Students & Fresher’s, Y-Path for Working Professionals and Job SeekerInternational SIM cardForex solutions, and Banking services.

If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate Overseas, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Consultants.

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