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Posted on January 04 2021

Jobs outlook in Ireland for 2021

By  Editor
Updated March 15 2023
Ireland Job Outlook

As a fall out of the impact on the economy due to Covid-19, the Irish economy after suffering setbacks in output and job losses in 2020 is expected to rebound in 2021 according to predictions by the government. The government predicts there will be a 5.5% increase in employment in 2021.

Economy of Ireland

Ireland stands at number 4 in the world in GDP on a per capita basis. It also attracts overseas investment due to the fact that it has the highest population under the age of 25 in the Eurozone.

All these factors are expected to have a positive impact on the job growth in Ireland. Sectors such as manufacturing, transport and distribution are expected to see job growth till 2025.

In addition, there will be job opportunities in multiple sectors which include:

Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology

The pharmaceutical industry employs 50,000 people and produces annual exports of an estimated EUR 60 billion. 25,000 jobs are expected in this sector.  This sector produces an annual revenue of EUR 9.4 billion.

Software & ICT

Brexit's possible effect on the UK means that many Fintech businesses are heading to Ireland. The ICT sector employs 35,000 workers and produces an annual revenue of EUR 35 billion.

Financial Services

An estimated 35,000 workers are working in this sector and taxes raise billions. In Ireland, there are roughly 60 credit institutions.

 IT Services

The country has more than 200 IT companies and the world’s top IT companies have their headquarters here, these include Google, Facebook, Twitter, and PayPal. Some of the top jobs in this sector are software engineers, developers, UI developers, UX and UI designers and professionals in data analytics.

Accounting and Auditing

The need for trained accountants is rising with greater demands for financial transparency. There is a large variety of lucrative opportunities for chartered accountants to consider.

Here are the salary details of the top sectors for 2021

Occupation Average monthly salary
Information technology 38,600 EUR
Banking 41,800 EUR
Telecommunications 33,900 EUR
Human resources 36,400 EUR
Engineering 32,500 EUR
Marketing, advertising, PR 43,100 EUR
Construction, real estate 22,600 EUR

Job market outlook 2021

The job outlook for 2021 promises a range of jobs in different sectors and you have good chances if you are planning to move to Ireland  for work.

Even though the number of job openings is lesser compared to 2019 due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, still there are considerable number of jobs available for those with the required qualifications.



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