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Posted on October 21 2020

What are the benefits of working in Austria?

By  Editor
Updated February 24 2024

If you have decided to work in Austria, you can experience the many advantages of working in this country. Austria is a beautiful and scenic country with numerous job opportunities.


The advantages of working in Austria are the city of Vienna is ranked among the world’s most livable cities. The country has a vibrant culture and scenic landscapes and is known for its winter sports. All of this makes it an exciting overseas career destination.


Working hours and paid time off

The working hours in Austria is 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day. Any work beyond 40 hours per week is paid at a rate of 150% over regular pay.


Employees here get around five weeks of paid leave. There are 13 public holidays in a year.


Minimum wage

There is no set minimum wage in Austria, however the government proposed to set the minimum wage as 1,500 Euros in 2020.


Austria has likewise adopted a €1,500 monthly minimum wage for all sectors since 2020. This is also far greater than in most of Europe. In Austria, the minimum wage includes the basic income, overtime pay, incentives, and compensation for idle time. This contributes to it being a very enticing area to work for foreigners.


Taxes: Income Tax

0% - Up to 11,000 EUR

25% - 11,001 - 18,000 EUR

35% - 18,001-31,000 EUR

42% - 31,001 - 60,000 EUR

48% - 60,001 - 90,000 EUR

50% - 90,001-1,000,000 EUR

55% - 1,000,000 EUR and above


Social security benefits

All foreign employees in Austria get a social security number which gives them access to the social insurance benefits available to residents of Austria.


The social insurance will cover aspects such as sickness, incapacity for work, maternity, unemployment, old age, survivors’ pensions, nursing care, etc.


An employee here gets covered under the social insurance system.


The social insurance system covers health insurance that provides free medical treatment for you and dependent family members. Apart from this, employees are covered under accident insurance.


Health insurance, including mandatory maternity coverage: free insurance coverage for family members (subject to specific restrictions) and childcare allowance, among other things.

Accident insurance provides coverage for workplace accidents and occupational illnesses and their ramifications, such as invalidity and vocational disability.

Pension insurance includes advantages such as old-age pension.

Unemployment insurance provides benefits to those who are unemployed (these are for instance, unemployment benefit payments, social welfare) When you are working or self-employed, you are covered by health insurance (please note: minimum-wage employees are automatically covered)


Maternity, paternity and parental leave

Women are given eight weeks of maternity leave before and after giving birth.


In 2019, the government introduced the ‘Daddy month’ where new fathers are allowed to stay off work for one month after the birth of their child.


Parents can also take up to two years of parental leave or can opt for reduced work hours till the child is four years of age subject to the employer’s agreement. The parents can transfer the leave between them once.


Childcare benefits

Mothers and fathers are entitled to childcare allowance which can range from the first 12 months after the child is born to when it is 30 to 36 months old.


 With so many benefits, Austria, located at the heart of Europe is an attractive overseas career destination.


Additional benefits Employees who want to pursue their education are a valuable resource. Its added knowledge benefits both the companies and their employees. As a result, employers not only financially support them by covering their course expenses, but also allow them to take such courses during working hours. Employees may even receive a bonus or promotion for passing their examinations.



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