Posted on September 22 2020
One of the primary reasons to choose Malta for an overseas career and as the best place to work is its booming economy. The other favourable factors include:
Malta is one of the best countries to live and work because of its economy, employment rate, and climate. Malta offers a great job outlook for skilled workers in various industries with wages lower than average across Europe. These wages could go much higher because of the low cost of living compared to the other European countries. English is spoken by 88% of the individuals residing in Malta, making it an excellent option for those individuals who want to move to Malta and communicate comfortably.
How can I get a Work Visa for Malta? What is the job outlook for Malta?
The working hours in Malta are 40 hours per week following a five-day workweek, where the employees are entitled to 25 days of annual leave in a year.
Maternity leave
Working women can avail of 14 weeks of paid maternity leave and can take an additional four weeks of unpaid leave. They can avail of maternity leave two weeks before their due date.
Parental Leave Male and female workers are entitled to unpaid parental leave for four months in case of birth or adoption of a child. They can take these four months of leave until the child is eight.
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The average salary in Malta is 4,620 Euros per month, ranging from 1,170 Euros to 20,600 Euros monthly. The monthly average wage includes housing, transport, and other benefits where the salaries differ based on the job role. Overseas workers moving to Malta will be subject to a higher tax for the first 183 days in 12 months. After which, the tax is deducted based on the income, where the maximum deduction will be 35% of the annual gross income.
The Social Security Act provides several benefits, including retirement and disability pensions, sickness, injury and unemployment benefits, medical assistance, and child care benefits. If an individual wants to avail of these benefits, the employees and employers must pay 10% of their gross salary as Social Security Contributions (SSC). This will cover the social security payments in case of sickness, injury, unemployment, pensions, and child benefits. Individuals living in Malta can also access public health care services in keeping with the entitlements described by the Ministry of Health.
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All the factors mentioned above makes Malta a favored overseas career destination as it offers a high standard of living and the multicultural character of the workplaces here provides a great learning experience for many individuals Willing to work in European countries? Get the proper guidance with Y-Axis, the World's No.1 Overseas Consultant. If you found this article engaging,
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