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Posted on September 07 2020

What is the job outlook for Estonia?

By  Editor
Updated February 26 2024

Ever since regaining its independence in 1990, Estonia has been one of the fastest-growing economies in the Northern European region.  It has transformed itself into a digital society.


Before the Coronavirus pandemic broke out, a labor survey conducted by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (EUIF)said that the labour market in Estonia will have the maximum demand for programmers, cooks and lorry drivers in the coming years.


Those who have experience and qualifications in this field have good chances of finding a job in these fields. The occupations with the highest expected total job openings (including new jobs and replacements for vacated ones) will be teaching professionals, production and specialized services managers, and business and administration associate professionals.


According to a report published by CEDEFOP, the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training, the highest employment growth in Estonia will be in research and development, and computer programming and information services. The biggest increase in absolute numbers will be in the fields of computer programming and information services, and human health activities sector.


The occupations with the highest expected total job openings (including new jobs and replacements for vacated ones) will be teaching professionals, production and specialised services managers, and business and administration associate professionals.


The report forecasts that the highest job openings which will include new jobs and replacements will be for production and specialized services managers, business and administration associate professionals, and teaching professionals.


CEDEFOP has predicted employment growth in the following sectors:

According to the report, around 34% of the job opportunities will be for professionals in high-level occupations in the fields of science, engineering healthcare, business and teaching followed by around 18% for technicians and associate professionals.


The forecast on CEDEFOP covers the period up to 2030. It took Global Economic Development into account until May 2019. For seven years in a row in 2019, the European economy had been in a continuous mode of expansion till the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic.


In the job outlook up to 2025, CEDEFOP predicted that most job opportunities in Estonia, around 25% will be for professionals and high-level occupations in science, engineering, healthcare and teaching.


Shortage of software developers

Analysis of the job outlook in Estonia indicates that the country faces a shortage of software developers. Apart from this, the country has a requirement for system administrators, web designers and application developers.


While the Estonian government is making efforts to train 500 software developers by 2020 through its ‘Choose IT’ project.


Software engineers are among the highest paid jobs in Estonia, one of the reasons is that this country has the highest number of startups per capita. Estonia has six times higher startups than the average in Europe. At present more than  3,700 Estonian ICT companies are hiring. Software developers have a bright future if they are thinking of an overseas career in Estonia.


While Estonia is making efforts to control the pandemic and move its economy, these long-term factors are likely to prevail which will impact the job outlook.



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