Most In Demand Occupations in UK

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Highest Paying Jobs in the UK  

  • The average annual gross salary in the UK is £38,131
  • Minimum wages and overtime pay are popular 
  • Enjoy 30 paid Leaves every year
  • Free healthcare 
  • Issued 3.5 lakh work visas in 2023


Average Salaries per year





Marketing & Sales














Source: Talent Site

*Check your eligibility to UK through Y-Axis UK immigration points calculator.


Migrate to the UK via a work visa


The United Kingdom is a top destination for immigrants who are willing to migrate to the UK. The UK is an extremely multicultural, highly developed economy. It is one of the 6th largest economies in the world.

Benefits of Migrating to the UK
  • Foreigners living in the UK can come across the best standards of healthcare through NHS for no cost. The medication costs are subsidized or cheaper when compared to many other countries.
  • UK residents possess the right of sending their children to public school for free.
  • Expats staying in the UK will have access to the world’s supreme culture, arts, and most sporting events. As most of the events are held in major cities of the UK like Edinburg, Liverpool, London, and Manchester.
  • The UK has a long history of welcoming skilled workers from abroad. Immigrants with skills find it easy to move to Britain.
  • The UK has strong laws for employee benefits and a multitude of career opportunities.

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Indians get the highest number of UK skilled worker visa, over 65500

Types of work visas that help you to settle in the UK

The UK offers various types of work visas which will help you in getting settled in the country.

Skilled Worker Visa or UK Tier 2 or General Visa

One of the most popular visas for Skilled Workers is used for migrants who hold a job from a UK employer. To be qualified for a UK Skilled Worker Visa, the applicant needs to work for a UK employer that has been approved by the Home Office.

The applicant must have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from the employer with information with details of the role that has been offered in the UK. After meeting some criteria the candidate can settle in the country.

Global Talent Visa or Tier 1 or Exceptional Visa

Global Talent visa is called the golden ticket to the UK. This can be applied by highly qualified Arts, Engineering, IT, and Science candidates who will get to settle in the UK in 3-5 years.

E-Innovator Visa

E-innovator visa is a new route for those who are willing to set up and run their business in the UK. The business needs to be unique and must be endorsed by a reputable organization. After meeting certain criteria the candidate can apply for settlement.

Investor Visas

The Investor visa is also called the Tier 1 Investor visa. This category is for candidates who are willing to invest at least £2m along with meeting approved criteria and are considered eligible for this visa. To apply for an Investor visa, there is no mandatory eligibility for the English language. With this visa, the individuals can obtain settlement within 3-years.

*Check your eligibility criteria for the UK using Y-Axis UK Immigration points calculator

Types of UK Work Visas

UK work visas are classified into four main groups

  • Short-term work visas
  • Long-term work visas
  • Investor, business development, and talent visas
  • Other work visas
Short-Term Work Visas: 

These short term visas are also known as temporary work visas and come under Tier 5. To apply for these work visas the candidates must follow a UK point-based calculator.

UK Charity Worker visa (Tier 5) – Individuals who are willing to do any voluntary work without pay for some charity work in the country, then register for this one. A sponsorship certificate is needed from a UK employer is required.

UK Creative and Sporting visa (Tier 5) – The individuals who were offered work in the UK as sports persons / creative workers will be able to apply for this visa. One of the main criteria for this visa is a sponsorship certificate from a licensed employer in the UK.

UK Government Authorized Exchange visa (Tier 5) – This visa is applicable for individuals who wish to apply for pieces of training in the UK or work experience in the UK on a Government Language Program abroad for research or an internship through an accredited government-authorized exchange scheme.

UK International Agreement visa (Tier 5) – International agreement visa is for candidates who have taken up contract-based work for some international government or a private employee in the UK.

UK Religious Worker visa (Tier 5) – If the individuals are willing to migrate to the country for short-term religious work, like working in a religious order or preaching, then you need to apply for this visa.

UK Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5) – Individuals who apply for some Seasonal work, can get a seasonal visa if they want to go to the UK & work on farms for 6 months.

UK Youth Mobility Scheme visa (Tier 5) – Individuals with certain types of British Nationality or are from certain countries like Australia, and are aged between 18 to 30 need to apply for a youth mobility visa for 2 years.

Long-Term Work Visas

The UK long-term visas for work come under Tier-2 Visas and is part of the UK Point-based system. Following are the different UK long-term work visas:

  • Tier 2 Skilled worker visaThis visa is for individuals who are from outside EEA and Switzerland and have a UK job offer from a licensed sponsor. Previously, this visa’s name is General Work Visa (Tier 2).
  • Tier 2 UK Intra-company Transfer visaThis visa is for individuals who have received a job from their overseas employer in the UK branch of the same organization and can apply for this visa. 
  • Tier 2 UK Sportsperson visa – Best sportsperson or a qualified coach, who has got recognition by their Governing body of sports and is been at the highest level of their profession internationally, needs to apply for this visa.

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Investor, Business Development, and Talent Visas

The UK has established different visa types for business developers, foreign investors, and talented persons. There are different UK visa types for the above-mentioned categories, which are listed below:

  • Innovator visaForeign immigrants who are willing to run or set up business in the UK.
  • Start-up visaStart-up visa is designed for persons who are willing to set up a business in the UK. Requires an endorsement by an authorized body.
  • Global Talent Visa – Individuals working in some qualifying field and have received approval as a recognized leader or an emerging leader, can apply for this visa.
  • Graduate Entrepreneur visa (Tier 1) – Graduates who have strong thoughts and want to establish officially own a genuine and credible business idea must apply for this UK work visa.
  • UK Investor visa (Tier 1) – This visa is for investors who want to invest £2,000,000 or more in UK businesses or self-business.
Other UK Visas

High Potential Individual (HPI) visa: HPI visa is introduced by the UK on May 30, 2022, to benefit students who have graduated from world-class top universities. This visa allows graduates to enter the country without a job offer and work without any limitations or restrictions. This visa also offers a chance to settle in the UK if they have qualified for certain criteria.

Scale-up visa: The UK launched a new scale-up visa to attract highly talented academic scholars as candidates to the country. To be eligible for this visa, one needs a sponsor. Here the employer must satisfy certain eligibility criteria to provide sponsorship to the candidates

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UK to launch a new visa to bring talented graduates to Britain

Requirements for UK Work Visa

The eligibility for each work visa differs based on the visa you have selected. The requirements listed before are generally required if you are applying for work in the UK with a skill set.

  • You should be aged 18 years or above.
  • You must get a minimum score of 70 in the points calculator of the UK
  • The minimum educational qualification must be equal to secondary education in the UK.
  • You should have a minimum of 1-year of work experience in the concerned field.
  • Must have passed language proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL, if you are from a non-English speaking country.
  • You must have at least one job offer from an authorized UK employer to immigrate to the country.
  • If the type of visa you selected requires sponsorship from the employer, then the sponsoring employer needs to be licensed in the UK.
Top In-Demand Occupations in the UK
  • IT and Software: IT and Software is one of the in-demand occupations in the UK. As per global research, IT and Software engineers’ jobs are growing faster for a few years. The average salary that is paid for IT and Software engineers is £36,333.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find IT and software jobs in UK. 

  • Engineering: ​Engineering job opportunities have the highest share of 18% in UK employment, with more than 5.5 million working in the UK within the engineering and manufacturing sector. There are acute shortages in this sector. Hence looking for foreign immigrants to hire. The average salary that an Engineer gets is £43,714.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Engineering jobs in UK

  • Accounting and Finance: Accounting and Finance jobs are two different types of occupations and they are always in demand in the UK. There has been a rise in the demand for Finance and accountancy in the last two years. This demand will continue till 2050 with heavy competition. The average salary that an accounting or finance employee can get in the UK is £40,611.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Accounting and Finance jobs in UK

  • Human Resources Management: Human resources are the most in-demand jobs in the UK. The HR professional is the most searched job in the UK. In every 20 jobs that were on the rise since post-pandemic, HR professionals stay in the top three. The most average salary that is paid in the UK for HR professionals is £29,000.

*Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Human Resource Management jobs in UK

  • Hospitality:This occupation is considered the third largest sector to employ immigrants and aspiring professionals. The average salary that a Hospital management professional gets in the UK is £29,734.

*Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Hospitality jobs in UK

  • Sales & Marketing:Sales and Marketing though sound similar in terms of job duties differ in roles and responsibilities. Sales and Marketing are highly skilled vocations that have high demand in the UK. For both these occupations it needs a pleasing personality and aptitude as particular qualifications. The average salary per annum that a Sales or Marketing professional person can earn in the UK is £35,000.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Sales & Marketing jobs in UK

  • Healthcare:According to the UK shortage Occupation List 2022, Healthcare is the top most occupation that is in demand. One of the largest employers in the UK for healthcare is NHS. The average salary that a healthcare professional can earn is £29,311.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Healthcare jobs in UK

  • STEM:Based on the Commission of employment skills data, UK has 43% of STEM vacancies are unoccupied due to a shortage of applicants, which is a known issue for the past few years. The average salary per annum that a STEM professional can earn in the UK is £32,648.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find IT and software jobs in UK. 

  • Teaching: Teaching job is one of the top in-demand occupations in the UK. More than 271,680 searches were made on the internet for teaching jobs in the period 2021-2022. The average salary that a teaching job can fetch you in the UK is £22,987.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find STEM jobs in UK

  • Nursing: Nursing is the most employable occupation in the UK. The UK has a more than 94% successful employment rate by getting a job in just 6 months in the country. Nursing is considered one of the top three occupations in the UK. The average salary that a nursing professional can get is £39,921.

* Looking for jobs in the UK? Get assistance from Y-Axis to find Nursing jobs in UK

Steps to Apply for UK Work Permit
  • The first and foremost step is to find out if you need a UK visa or not
  • Choose the right visa that suits your profile
  • Complete the application form online for the UK visa
  • Gather all the necessary documents that are needed for the UK visa application
  • Book a UK visa appointment and attend the interview for a UK work permit
Work Permit to UK Indefinite Leave to Remain(ILR)

Indefinite leave to remain (ILR) helps you settle in the UK. This is called ‘settlement’. This provides you the right to study, live, and work in the country as long as you like. You can even apply for benefits if you are eligible. Based on eligibility you can apply for UK citizenship.

There are various ways to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR). If you are a non-EU and non-EEA citizen then you must apply through the following steps.

If you are on a UK Work Visa
  • You must have stayed and worked in the country for at least for 5-years.
  • If you hold a tier 1 visa in the UK, it can be 2(or)3 years.
  • If you possess an innovator visa or Global talent visa it can be 3-years.
If you have Family in the UK

If you have a partner, parents or child, or any other relative settled in the UK either as a citizen or with an ILR. Then you can apply for the ILR.

Most In Demand Jobs In UK FAQ's :

1. Which profession is highest paid in the UK?

According to ONS data, the highest paid workers in the UK are chief executives and senior officials with an average annual salary of £84,131.

List of Highest Paid Professions in the UK:

Occupation Median annual full-time gross pay % more than national average annual gross full-time pay (£34,963)
Chief executives and senior officials £84,131 140%
Marketing, sales and advertising directors £83,015 137%
Information technology directors £80,000 128%
Public relations and communications directors £79,886 128%
Logistics, warehousing and transport directors £72,177 106%
Pilots and air traffic controllers £71,676 105%
Financial managers and directors £70,000 100%
Functional managers and directors £69,933 100%
Specialist medical practitioners £66,031 89%
Head teachers and principals £66,014 89%

2. Which profession is in high demand in the UK?

There are many jobs that are in demand across various industries, and candidates with the right skills and expertise in these industries can find good employment opportunities in the UK. IT and Software, engineering, finance and accounting, healthcare, business management, marketing and sales, nursing, human resources, teaching, and hospitality are some of the most in-demand professions in the UK with high-paying salaries.

Occupations Salary (annually)
IT and Software £39,439
Engineering £42,009
Marketing & Sales £35,000
Human Resource £37,510
Healthcare £28,180
Teaching £35,100
Finance and Accounting £42,500
Hospitality £28,008
Nursing £39,371

3. How to make 6 figures UK?

Skilled foreign nationals can earn 6-figure salaries in many jobs across various industries in the UK. Some of which include STEM, IT and software, engineering, healthcare, finance and accounting, hospitality, marketing and sales, human resources, business management, nursing, teaching, and etc. Candidates with the right skills and expertise can bag top roles with high-paying 6-figure salaries and will be placed on top in the ever-evolving UK employment landscape.

Tips on earning 6-figure salary in UK:

  • Become an expert in your field
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Gain all the in-demand skills needed for your role
  • Network with professionals earning six-figure salaries
  • Do your research
  • Apply for jobs

4. What salary is top 5 of UK earners?

According to recent government data, the top 5% of earners in the UK make an annual income of £82,200 or higher. This is more than the minimum average income of £33,280 in the UK. If you aspire to become a top 5% earner in the UK, then you will need to work in specialized fields that are in demand and allow you to earn this level of income. It is also crucial to stay updated in your profession, upskill and reskill, and stay ahead by adapting to the ever-evolving job market.

5. What job earns the most money?

Chief executive officers and senior officials are considered to be the highest paid workers not just in the UK but all over the world. They generally earn more than the average salary. However, other highest paying in-demand jobs include STEM, IT and software, engineering, healthcare, finance and accounting, hospitality, marketing and sales, human resources, business management, nursing, teaching, and etc. Candidates with expertise in these fields can secure a high-paying job.

6. What is a good salary in the UK?

A salary of £2,500 to £3,300 per month and an annual salary of £40,000 in the UK are considered good and is enough to live a comfortable standard of life and cover expenses.

7. Where in the UK has the most job opportunities?

Professionals can find opportunities in various fields anywhere in the United Kingdom. Some of the places where there are a wealth of opportunities in the UK include Milton Keynes, Oxford, York, St Albans, Norwich, Manchester, Nottingham, Preston, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, Cardiff, and Birmingham. These cities are home to many top companies and businesses and provide opportunities for professionals with attractive salaries.

8. What skills are in demand in the UK?

In-demand skills in the UK vary across different professions and levels of expertise. It is crucial for foreign workers to adapt to these skills that are in demand in their field of work. Having the required skills will land candidates in top roles with high-paying salaries. Staying updated and adapting to continuous learning will keep the candidates competitive in the UK’s job market.

How Can Y-Axis Assists You to Work in UK?

Y-Axis makes your UK job search easy!

UK, the best place for skilled professionals to work and settle. With deep knowledge of the UK immigration and work policies, Y-Axis offers you superior guidance and counsel you on all necessary procedures and requirements to increase your chances to work and migrate to UK.

Our impeccable job search services include:

  • Eligibility check to work in UK: You can check your eligibility to work in UK through Y-Axis UK immigration points calculator
  • LinkedIn marketing: Y-Axis LinkedIn Marketing services helps to create a better first impression through our LinkedIn Marketing Services. We guide you in every step to create a compelling LinkedIn profile that gives overseas recruiters the confidence to reach you.
  • Expert counseling on job roles and responsibilities: While seeking jobs and careers overseas the most important question is, if the current roles and responsibilities match the requirement overseas.
  • Y-Path: Get step by step guide to work in UKY-Path is a personalized approach which assists in making a life changing decision. Millions of people transform their lives dramatically when they work or study abroad and you can too.
  • Jobs in UK: Check with Y-Axis overseas jobs page to get the latest updates on active job openings in the UK. There is a huge demand for skilled professionals across the world. Over the years, Y-Axis has built up the knowledge and understanding of global economic trends to help our clients make the right decision about working abroad.
  • Latest UK immigration updates: Follow Y-Axis UK immigration news updates to get the latest information about UK jobs, immigration, new policies, etc.


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