We help you discover the right course based on your preferred career path
Our service package ensures we are with you at every step of your journey from entrance exams to admissions to visas and post-landing support
We take pride in providing unbiased advice to students. We are not in partnership with any university and are an independent overseas education consultant
As an Indian company we understand the
aspirations, the pains and tribulations that our
families go through to give us a good education.
As parents normally fund the education with a
student loan, we realize that we should not
burden them for its repayment. Y-Axis charts a
program so that you should, upon graduation, be
able to repay your student loan.
This kind of thinking not only allows you to
repay your debt but in doing so you also become
financially independent and increase your
confidence and self-esteem.
We bundle all our services so that it comes to
you at a great value and convenience. For a
small fee you get India’s best career consultant
working on your side for a lifetime. The package
includes counseling, course selection, documentation,
coaching for entrance exams & student visa
When you see the unit price of our services, you
will see how reasonable and fair we are.
What does your money buy you? Just a degree?
You should be getting more than that.
You can get not only a degree but also a skill that
will get you not only a job but also a PR visa.
Did you know some courses are eligible for a
PR Visa and others are not? Once you enter a
country on the wrong course or degree, you will
not only find it difficult but also very expensive.
If you plan and strategize well you can make it a
great investment that can change your life
positively. You have one chance to make it happen
and you have to do it right the first time.
We don’t see you as a one-time customer.
We would like to be with you for a lifetime in every
step of your journey even after you graduate.
Sometimes we feel that this is when you need us
the most – when you have just landed and need
someone at the airport, when you have a migration
issue or need to find a job abroad.
Our Y-Path for students charts a path for you to
become a Global Indian who makes his parents,
friends, community and country proud.
Y-Path is a result of Y-Axis’ years of counseling
experience that has helped thousands of Indians
to settle abroad.
Nobody understands overseas careers like we do.
When we say that we mean that nobody
understands it in its totality – in all its implications
from funding to immigration to finding a job. To us
admissions is the easy clerical part – the harder
part is to chalk a career path for you.
We are not only a one-stop-shop, all our services
are integrated to ensure a smooth flow from one
department to the other and one stage to the other.
Even after you graduate you can continue using
our customer service.
Y-Axis adoption of cutting-edge technology, including
Salesforce.com and Genesys, allows us to provide you
with an enhanced customer experience. We are just a
call, e-mail, chat or even a small drive away
When you sign up with us, you appear in our
open resume bank as a premium member
which allows potential employers to contact
you directly. To help them verify who you are,
you will show up as a Y-AXIS Verified student,
which means we would do the basic checks
about your identity and credentials and endorse
Before you realize it, you will have graduated and will be searching for a job. We will provide you all the support needed for the job search.
We will help you network with other Indians living abroad. As a member of our own network you will also have the opportunity to share your experiences that will help other students.
We are presumably the world’s largest immigration firm and no other firm has the experience we have as an overseas education consultant filing new applications. Several thousands of Indians have settled abroad using our services.
Successful applicants
Experienced counselors