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How the Global Talent Independent [GTI] program got me my Australia PR

By  Editor
Updated April 03 2023
Migration is never an easy process. Often a long-draw process, with much paperwork in between, visa and immigration can take months at a time for the most of us. Some, however, get it easier. Especially so, if they are an entrepreneur like me. Here, I will be sharing my story of how the Australian government’s new initiative of attracting highly-skilled migrants to the Land Down Under worked in my favour. With the Global Talent Independent [GTI] program of Australia, 1 more entrepreneur has now joined Australia. That’s me. Australia also offers other pathways that can get you your business visa for Australia.
Working with local start-ups in Queensland, Australia
Now, I am settled in Queensland. Working at what I love doing. For many months now, I have been working with the regional start-ups in the country. Been a good journey so far for me. A mutually good learning experience. Queensland in Australia also has a Small Business Owners [SBO] pathway that is opened for applications from time to time. With migrants from practically all over the world deciding to set up companies in Australia through the GTI, there is much cultural exchange in the process. When a migrant decides to relocate to another country, they don’t just bring their expertise to their new country. They also get their viewpoint, ideals, and working ethos along, I am among the lucky few from India that have been granted their Australian permanent residence visa through the GTI program of the Australian government. Honestly, it is not an easy process. But, it sure is worth it in the end. Launched in 2019, the Global Talent Independent program visa targets global tech talent, provided they are ‘exceptional’ in what they do. Australia is a good place to do business. In my personal experience, I found the people to be quite straight-forward, upfront, as well as generally friendly.
No need for invitation for the GTI
What really attracted me to explore the GTI program of Canada was that there was no requirement of waiting for an invitation before being able to apply. As far as I know, all or maybe most of the Australian visas that come under the Skilled Migration program require a formal invitation from the government of Australia before they can submit their application through SkillSelect. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning, I did not know as to what would be the best Australia immigration pathway for me. The more I researched, the more confused I got.
Why professional assistance is always advisable
This is the time that I finally decided to seek professional help. After all, they are the best people to advise anyone, provided they are not one of the fake visa and immigration consultants. Always go for an immigration consultant that has been around for over 10 years. That way you can be sure that they must be doing it right somehow to be still in the game, so to speak. I opted for a free counselling session from up to 3 different visa consultants in Delhi. I wanted to be sure before I took any advice from any professional. Anyway, I opted for taking the professional assistance of Y-Axis for my GTI program application processing. The only reason for choosing them over the others was that Y-Axis people took their time with me, even in the free counseling session.

They answered all my questions. Did not even force me to sign up for any product or service just because I had walked into their office.

References count
With my migration agent, I got together an impressive portfolio of impeccable Reference Letters, proofs of work that I had done globally, as well as Media Releases that testified my business presence. Trust me, when you apply to the Australian government, you must be able to convince them of 2 things – how great a presence you have in the business arena, and how Australia could benefit by having you as an entrepreneur. The better you are at convincing them of these factors, the higher the chances of your visa being granted under the GTI program of Australia.
Background checks
Do keep in mind that whatever claims you make in your application, you must also be able to backup with the right and relevant evidence and documentation. Thorough background checks were done in my case. Checks as to if I had really been wherever I had stated to have gone. My travel history was also gone over in detail. This was when the first part of my application was submitted. Then came the Medical Check. My complete Travel History had to be submitted soon after my Medical Check, following an official request for the same. My visa was soon granted after that.
In hindsight
Looking back, I still at times believe that I actually made it to Australia under the Global Talent Independent program. I still vividly remember as to how complex everything appeared to me right at the beginning! Personally, I took professional help because I honestly did not have the patience or time to go through the process another time around. I had to get it right the first time itself.
Getting it right the first time
With Y-Axis, you can indeed get it right the first time! Even if you think and have the confidence to do the process on your own, I would suggest at least taking a free counselling from Y-Axis. That way, you can at least be sure that you are on the right track. You can also try out other country evaluations at a reasonable cost. If you don’t wish to tray for the GTI of Australia, you can also explore Canada’s Start-Up Visa as well. Some people find Canada more to their tastes and preferences as compared to Australia. Australia versus Canada for business. Your choice. Be sure. Then make the move. Will be sure worth it. Trust me.


Australia PR Case Study


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